Victims of the New Math – Moon Man (2020)
If you are in the mood for music that is inspired by the cosmos and the limitations of quarantine, Victims of the New Math are here for you. His new EP Moon Man combines both with some power pop for a stand-out sonic experience. Full of hope and optimism, each track explores the wider world as well as the isolation of shutdowns.
Thomas Young, the artist behind this one-man band created the EP during quarantine using a range of techniques. There is a touch of retro sounds to the music drawing on Ziggy-era Bowie and Big Star, but this is threaded into Young’s unique sound.
The EP starts with the title track ‘Moon Man’ which brings the cosmic feeling to the fore. The groovy guitar line in the start hooks you and leads you to a very Ziggy Stardust vibe. This is a fun song that has a little dash of melancholy as the lyrics wish for the moon to be around all the time. There is an easy flow to the track that makes it fun to listen to while the lyrics have more depth than you first imagine.
‘Star Sign’ has a more acoustic opening, but continues the hazy galactic feeling vocals. The messaging in the lyrics take a little turn from the cosmos and search for something to believe in. The almost folky feel to this song is great as it helps the lyrics and meaning come through a little stronger. The flow of Young’s performance is engaging and you can float to the song while resting on the metaphors.
The acoustic opening vibe continues with ‘Tin Foil Hat’, but there is something a bit different in this song. There is a darker tone resting in the depths of the melody that acts as an interesting counter to the overall vibe of the EP. There is a slightly distorted vibe to parts of the melody that creates a sonic representation of the craziness outlined in the lyrics. There are a few elements on the track that work together to form a sonic conspiracy theory.

The next track is ‘Cosmic Rays’ which turns from the cosmos and focuses on the need to recharge. The opening guitar line hits you with an easy pace that helps you relax. Young’s vocals have a soft flow while maintaining the space vibe to let you get away from reality. Through the song, you are encouraged to take a step back and regroup when you feel overwhelmed. This is a very relatable song with a wonderful guitar riff that sends you soaring while offering the chance to just breathe out.
‘Just a Dream’ moves on from the cosmos and turns your attention to quarantine and the lack of connection that came with it. The opening sets a rather sombre tone while Young’s vocals continue the melancholic vibe. Resting in the sadness is a longing for something you can’t have. Each note is an intense combination of yearning, loneliness and sadness. This is a very emotive song made more so by the fact that most people can connect with it on a personal level.
The EP ends with ‘The Sun is Perfectly Round’ which is one of the most upbeat and lively. The guitar line throws you after the sombre vibes of the last track. Using the nearest perfectly round object in the universe, the song considers the amount of information we have around us. In just over a minute, Young hits you with interesting facts while considering how information overload is possible. It is a lively way to end the EP while keeping to the overall vibe.
Victims of the New Math draw on the cosmos and quarantine mixing them with retro vibes for Moon Man. The EP has a thread of old space-rock, but there is also something uniquely modern in the soundscape and lyrics. Each track is relatable in its own way with some packing a heavier emotional punch than others.
Find out more about Victims of the New Math on his website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.