Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Under One Sun – Newborn Day (2022)

Under One Sun holds on to their raging vocals and self-awareness, but bring something new to their latest single ‘Newborn Day’. As they bring a message of hope, optimism and motivation through the lyrics, the melody is packed with a rough and ready energy. Raw emotion and fantastic contrasts finish the single to make it one of their most ambitious and exciting to date.

Playing aggression and attitude against the empowering message of life being there for the taking, the band shows off a sophisticated flair that makes this single quite unstoppable. Samuel Khan (vocals), James Khan (guitar, vocals), Jack Hollister (guitar), Matt Fox (drums) and Charlie Potter (bass) make up the band that found its voice through the pandemic. Since starting, the band has played stages across the country and only seems to be moving from strength to strength.

The tones of the guitar that open ‘Newborn Day’ carefully draw you into the track, before the burst of sound rushes through your senses. The melody is packed with the energy of the band, while carrying a touch of raw emotion that is enhanced by the vocals. It is a really wonderful melody that grabs onto you and takes you soaring through the soundscape while bolstering the emotive power of the vocals. Across the verses, there is a reflective and contemplative feeling to the music as it closes around you. As you head into the chorus, the drums roll from beneath your feet and the guitars take a deep breath before leaping into an awesome movement. This all comes to a stunning climax when the instrumental bridge hits and the zips of higher tones add a wonderful texture to the track. There is something about the melody that opens your chest and lets the light of emotion woven into the music shine into your soul.

With the rush of sound in the opening, the band calls out to all of us with a layered chant. It is a really fantastic way to open the vocals as it instantly catches your attention and gets the message of the track flowing into your soul. Khan’s vocals are powerful and emotive as they unleash some raw emotions and thoughts into the ether of the track. Through the thoughts and feelings of the lyrics, the band reflects on negativity and offers a message of hope for the future. It is a really empowering track that acknowledges the struggles of life, only to fill you with the understanding that life is what you make of it and you can grasp any opportunity you want.

Through the powerful emotive flows of ‘Newborn Day’, Under One Sun fills you with a message of hope while getting lost in the movement of their sound. The melody sweeps through you with the energy of the band while cradling the vocals and bolstering their message. Khan’s performance is wonderful as he reflects on negativity, only to open your chest for the light of hope to soothe your soul.

Find out more about Under One Sun on their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Spotify.

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