The Other Side Reviews

TOUCAN – You At Last (2024)

Lash some soul into a melting pot of funk, then dribble some pop music across the mix and what do you have? Well, you have a kaleidoscopic pot of sonic goo but also the outstanding musician TOUCAN. Described as having “musicianship sure to cheer even the grumpiest of souls…” (Music News), Irish singer-songwriter Conor Clancy can ensnare your senses and lead you on an intoxicating journey as TOUCAN. Following the release of his debut single ‘We Fell For Miles’ in 2018, TOUCAN’s music quickly gained international praise, and by the 2020 cover of ‘Dancing In The Moonlight’ he had attained an almost cult-like following. Join us as we delve into his critically acclaimed repertoire.

Taken from his upcoming EP Don’t Understand Why, ‘You At Last’ drips with romance in a vintage soul meets pop melody. Easily placed alongside the likes of Stevie Wonder, TOUCAN’s warmth resonates with listeners in this song. As if dancing with your favourite person in the whole world, the soothing guitars caress your skin while soft drums catch you up. A shiver of horns makes your heart ache and face glow, while TOUCAN’s rich vocals bind it all as you melt into your favourite person in the whole world’s arms.

“I wanted to write something that felt like a classic soul song. Since I released the first TOUCAN EP, I’ve gotten a lot of messages from couples who say that one of my songs was their first dance at the wedding, or that the song was “their song”, and I was always amazed and really grateful to her that. But I had never written the songs with that intention, so I had that in my head when I was writing ‘You At Last’.” – TOUCAN on ‘You At Last’

I find it intriguing that while ‘You At Last’ appears a simple love song, an intricate interplay of the instrumentation (including the vocals) offers simplicity and kaleidoscopic complexity. Giddy grins and butterflies in your stomach leap from ‘You At Last’ but the comfortable sense of safety in your partner’s arms really expresses the core of love.

Find out more about TOUCAN on his official website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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