Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Those Heavy Souls – How High’s Too High? (2024)

Before their dissolution in 2022, singer-songwriter Craig Lewis performed as frontman of the indie-rock group COLUMBIA, described as “equal parts Led Zepplin and Oasis at their peak…” While COLUMBIA is worth a listen, it is Lewis’s solo project that captures our attention. Earlier this year, Lewis, performing as Those Heavy Souls, released his critically acclaimed Everything’s Changing turning heads on an international scale. In his eclectic concoction of indie-rock and alternative rock with a slip of electronica fluttering along, Those Heavy Souls is anything but pedestrian.

Following his debut EP Everything’s Changing, Lewis released his second two-track EP How High’s Too High? featuring ‘Hold Onto Fear’ and the title track; today we take a gander at that title track. Showcasing an enigmatic innovativeness in his sound, ‘How High’s Too High?’ retains a reminiscent whisper of Oasis dragging us back to 1990s indie-rock. Yet, while a strong leaning toward vintage indie-rock is heard, the new track infuses the indie sound with brushes of alternative rock as electronic rock clings to the melody.

Recorded and produced at Kings Road Studios with Andrew Sanders, mastering by Charlie Francis, ‘How High’s Too High?’ is a harmonic blend of Andrew Sanders’ bold drums, Steven Kenward’s soaring guitars, and Craig Lewis’ gruff vocals. The thing is, just as every aspect draws together in a united symphony, the boldness of ‘How High’s Too High?’ lies in the individuality of each instrument. With a toe-tapping infectiousness, particularly with the guitar riffs ensnaring senses at the end of the track, it is impossible to not enjoy ‘How High’s Too High?’. I find this sentiment rather intriguing as it so elegantly aligns with the theme of the track.

Penned by Craig Lewis, ‘How High’s Too High?’ begs the question of, well, how high is too high? A poetic ode to the spiralling experience of “addiction and living life in the moment and not knowing when enough is enough…”, the single is profound while seeming a simple song to play at the highest volume when heading home after a rough day. It’s a terrible pun, and probably a little inappropriate, but listening to ‘How High’s Too High’ is like having that psychedelic experience associated with acid highs… without the acid of course.

Find out more about Those Heavy Souls on his official website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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