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Straylings – American Kid (2024)

In a world of cookie-cutter pop and algorithm-driven hits, Straylings emerge like a mirage in the desert of mainstream music. The psychedelic folk duo, comprising Bahraini songstress Dana Zeera and British sonic architect Oliver Drake, have just dropped their latest single ‘American Kid’ – a glimpse into their forthcoming third album, Call Back Your Name. Stepping back from the music scene to focus on personal projects and retreat to the countryside, Straylings has re-emerged with a fresh, self-produced sound that bridges the gap between classic influences and contemporary indie-folk

‘American Kid’ is a kaleidoscopic journey through time, effortlessly blending the nostalgic warmth of 60s and 70s rock with a modern psychedelic folk twist. The track’s foundation is built on a punchy, prominent bassline that drives the song forward with an irresistible groove. Layered over this are shimmering, tremolo-drenched guitars that weave in and out, creating a rich tapestry of sound reminiscent of a sun-drenched road trip across the American landscape, but it’s Dana Zeera’s vocals that truly cast the spell.

Channelling the spirit of Stevie Nicks on a peyote-fuelled vision quest, her voice soars and dives, by turns intimate and commanding. It’s as if Nicks herself decided to front a 21st-century indie band, bringing with her all the mystique and power that made Fleetwood Mac legends. The production is a masterclass in balance – vintage warmth meets contemporary crispness, creating a sound that’s both timeless and cutting-edge. Delicate textures and intricate arrangements hint at the depth listeners can expect from their upcoming album, with each element carefully placed to create a lush, immersive soundscape that rewards repeated listens.

Speaking about their recent creative process, the duo shared: “The album was very much a culmination of the last few years, with the timing of us taking a step back and living a somewhat quieter life. This was helpful in many ways, as we were making this record entirely on our own and had the space to allow it to evolve quite naturally. Because of this, one of the challenges of working on our own meant that it took far longer than we wanted; living in times where speed is a priority, it forced us to explore personal limits, and confront any self-limiting beliefs we had.”

‘American Kid’ serves as an enticing preview of Straylings’ forthcoming album Call Back Your Name, set for release later this year via Deadpan Records UK. The album promises to further explore the duo’s unique blend of Middle-Eastern influences, psychedelic folk, and indie rock, with themes of isolation, integrity, loss, and self-discovery at its core. As Straylings continue to blaze their trail eschewing industry norms to produce and mix their work independently, ‘American Kid’ stands as a testament to their uncompromising vision. Buckle up, folks – this is just the beginning of a wild ride.

Find out more about Straylings on their official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

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