Album reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Silver Shores – Silver Shores (2022)

Take Death Cab For Cutie, mix in The Shins and drop a dab of Fleet Foxes, what do you have? Silver Shores is what you have. Hailing from the USA, the indie-rock meets indie-folk trio has a fresh sound drawn from familiar indie bands. Embracing the power of Craigslist, Andrew Magcale (vocals and guitar), Franco Piras (bass) and Mario Amanzio (drums) came together to bring charm, elegance and sophistication to the masses. Featured on Sinusoidal Music, Indie O Clock and iHeart Radio, the lads are reaching audiences across the globe. The latest addition to their discography is their self-titled debut EP.

Inspired by humanity in its entirety, Silver Shores believe “there’s so much beauty to be realised in the unknown”, and this experience is what they touch on in Silver Shores. Following the well-received single ‘Anew’, the six-track EP takes us through a journey of self-discovery ranging from frustration at monotonous daily life to awkward silences and those pivotal moments when you seem to be viewing your actions from a third-party, unembodied perspective (often including some big mistake you’re making). Utilising a DIY approach to production, the lads wanted to “explore our own sonic desires and…had that range to explore naturally what does and does not work.”

Opening with the track ‘Anew’, Silver Shores introduce us to their light-hearted, charming sound. Immediately setting you adrift on a glistening sonic river, the lads capture a sense of joviality and optimism in ‘Anew’. Yet, as we progress, Silver Shore takes becomes heavier, more challenging and suffocating in ‘Standstill’. One element I love about ‘Standstill’ is how the instrumentation expertly expresses pain, angst and frustration of the pace in which life moves within a heart-aching ballad.

Retaining their heartfelt indie-folk tone, Silver Shores keeps a steady path on that sonic river from ‘Standstill’ to ‘Hearsay’. The thing is, while Silver Shores appears to be an easy ride along the river, you can still see and feel the tumultuous waves beneath the silvery surface. Amanzio’s drums beat along with your heart, Prias’ bass keeps the boat from rocking too much, and Magcale’s guitar solos send ripples across the water with rock-inspired flair.

A sincere and sentimental EP, each of the tracks is similar but has a kaleidoscopic difference in how they make you feel. I find it difficult to choose a favourite, but if forced I would opt for ‘Don’t Know Anything’. The message that we don’t know what life brings is profound and that Eric Clapton-style guitar ending touches the heart. I may not know anything, but I know I want more Silver Shores in my life. Highly recommended!

For more from Silver Shores, check out their official website, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator  

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