Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Said Sara – Then There You Are (2024)

By day a special education teacher at a San Francisco public high school, by night a bold singer-songwriter, and all the time an enthusiastic human being, David Benson is that bright bit of sunlight at the end of a long day. Based in the USA, his native San Francisco to be exact, Benson’s solo music project Said Sara is not merely some fun with music. No, it is what flows through his veins, the extension of him, that extra finger he never knew he needed… and as he reaches audiences, the infectiousness of his awesome sound runs through our veins igniting passion for music. We were introduced to Said Sara in 2021 with ‘Bleedways’; join us as we drift into his latest single ‘Then There You Are’.

Following his well-received track ‘Same’, ‘Then There You Are’ blends old-school folk-rock with modern-day indie-folk. Fluttering somewhere between vintage and contemporary tones, Said Sara brings harmony with the thread of good music transcending time; however, a slight hint of discontent tugs my soul in ‘Then There You Are’. A push-and-pull obscurity as old and new collide unsure of where to sit in an overall soundscape. Then again, the clever slips and slides of different eras quickly weave into something off-kilter and eclectic as Said Sara pushes the boundaries of folk conventionalism.

Blunt, that’s the word, blunt. Not brash or abrupt, but with a hint of “okay, well there you go then” in the spoken words. A simplistic match of blunt vocals with acoustic guitar leading the melody, ‘Then There You Go’ is kaleidoscopic despite its minimalist nature. A real punch in the face with subdued forcefulness… and then you hit repeat with a hopeful, happy grin.

In addition to the single, Said Sara released an official music video for ‘Then There You Are’. You can view the video below or via his YouTube channel. Please note that this video uses effects that can trigger migraines and/or seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.


Find out more about Said Sara on his official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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