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Rye Catchers – UFO (2022)

With the single ‘Anything’, Rye Catchers were able to perfectly capture the feeling of being madly in love as they twirled you through the melody. They are now bringing an exciting and danceable sound to our souls through ‘UFO’. Joined on vocals by Nikki Simmons and Hannah Richardson, Rye Catchers catch you in a bubbling movement before you soar on the wings of electronica-driven sounds.

An intriguing band that consistently brings invigorating music to our ears, Rye Catchers continues to highlight the skills of the band and their musical contributors. With this track, they bring meaningful lyrics to a really out-of-this-world sound that is sure to land on your favourite electronic-pop playlist. Playing their unique melodic tones off the stunning vocal range of Simmons, there is so much you can fall in love with.

‘UFO’ brings a slightly cosmic vibe through the shimmer of electronic tones in the opening. You can feel the rather space flow of the track touching the higher tones of the music, while the lower levels are packed with dancing energy. There is a live wire of energy that vibrates through your core and has the vibes of the track filtering out to your extremities. From start to finish, the melody shakes you up and has you giving in to the urge to dance like no one’s watching. As this happens, the out-of-this-world feeling of the melody takes you on a journey into the stratosphere that leaves you with a bubbling sense of giddiness in the centre of your chest.

This giddiness is taken to new heights by Simmons’s vocals that call out to your spirit. Through the lyrics, there is a shout to believe in something more than what we can see which taps neatly into the title of the track. Through the opening verse, Simmons’ vocals enter a call and response style that is really wonderful. By the time the chorus hits, she has really come into her own while picking up that dancing energy of the melody. Her performance and the melody come together for an infectious movement that has you jumping around, shouting to the vocals and getting lost in the journey of belief. While a really short track at only 90 seconds, Rye Catchers have been able to pack a lot into each second which stays with you long after the song has ended.

Rye Catchers and Nikki Simmons take you on a journey that is out of this world with the danceable tones and giddy electricity of ‘UFO’. From the start to the very last note, the melody has you bouncing around to its electric energy. The vocals call out to something in your spirit that wants to believe in something more, while getting you dancing to the track.

Find out more about Rye Catchers on their Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

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