Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Rabauw – Onkruid (2024)

Drawing together the talents of four experienced musicians, the Dutch band Rabauw is set to take the Dutch rock scene by storm. Only formed last year, Jascha Soest (vocals), Paul Hobbelink (bass), Micha Sprenger (guitar) and Boris Piscaer (drums) have one aim in mind: to make the ultimate Dutch rock album. Already reaching a national stage with their song ‘Word ik nou gek?’ – a song about child suffering due to war violence – Rabauw’s music is both catchy and profound. Join us as we delve into their song ‘Onkruid’.

One of many songs yet to come, ‘Onkruid’ could be defined as a classic rock song with soaring rock guitar riffs, heavy bass, pounding drums and gritty vocals; however, the band highlight diversity in the track with flits of hard rock, grunge and indie-rock appearing as the melody progresses. Being their debut single, I can hardly comment on Rabauw’s potentially experimental nature. What I can say or rather assume is that this group are going to push the boundaries of rock conventionalism beginning with ‘Onkruid’.

While ‘Onkruid’ is kaleidoscopic in its overall execution, there is a simplicity wavering in the cinematic soundscape. A powerful guitar crescendo adds a strong attitude to the single but the softer dips to an exclusively bass and vocals lull are as weighty. Considering the forcefulness of each instrument, including Soest’s gruff tones, one might imagine a chaotic collision of prominent individuals. The thing is, while each aspect has prominence at some point in ‘Onkruid’, it is a harmonic symphony simultaneously easy on the ears and a slap in the face.

Paying tribute to the Dutch language, ‘Onkruid’ is an entirely Dutch lyric single. No clue what they’re saying but, for some strange reason, the language gives the rock sound gravity. It’s almost like ‘Onkruid’ is more powerful than an English song of the same style. As I said, it’s odd but sometimes the Germanic languages are most suited for a hard-hitting quality.

When translated to English, Rabauw means Villian – a person who defies things, breaks things, and really gets up in your grill with that bad-ass nature. So aptly named, I foresee Rabauw defying all boundaries breaking out of the typical and into the insatiable with a cheeky grin on their faces.

Find out more about Rabauw on their official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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