Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

proFESSional – In The City (2025)

A few months ago, UK-based group proFESSional turned our heads in a crazy kaleidoscopic swirl of sound with their single ‘Pizza For Breakfast’; then again, most punk bands can hit you in the gut with a force you’ll never forget. Yet, proFESSional had a little something extra to the punch, a certain style making them one of the more intriguing new names at the moment. Stepping back from ‘Pizza For Breakfast’, join us as we jump into their most recent single, ‘In The City’.

Many things are born completely out of the blue and you have no idea how you got there, but you have that serendipitous strike. When speaking about the hard-hitting new song, ‘In The City’, vocalist Mani explains:

“It was inspired by Mark E. Smith and the Fall… I turned on YouTube to watch their concert and literally halfway through the initial song Mark nonchalantly throws out “in the city” and something clicks in my head and in 5 minutes I had almost written the whole track.”

Born from a brief tick of inspiration, ‘In The City’ is a hair-raising rush of electricity running down your spine leaving you atingle from head to toe. Joined by Paul Fifield (guitar), Rob Hennebry (guitar), Marco Gaspari (bass), and Jonny Brister (drums), ‘In The City’ drags you back to the 1980s punk scene; however, slices of indie-rock and garage rock grant an alternative glimmer to the powerful single.

For me, ‘In The City’ is an exciting melody of intricate duality. While the simplistic brashness of a punk arrangement exists with barebones sensibility, the individual instruments come together with kaleidoscopic harmony. Similar to ‘Pizza For Breakfast’ which was made for the grungy mosh-pits of an underground club, ‘In The City’ embodies gritty ruggedness with its rambunctious roar.

While there are only a few singles in proFESSional’s repertoire, the group’s music is not to be heard exclusively but rather experienced. Vibrant and sparking with raw intensity, ‘In The City’ grabs the insanity of a live performance and then pushes it through the speakers into your head leaving you hypnotised, if not entirely bowled over.

Find out more about proFESSional on their official website, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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