Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Parmy Dhillon – India (2024)

Powerful, profound, pensive and poignant, singer-songwriter Parmy Dhillon captures the intimacy of Bob Dylan with the enthusiasm of Tom Petty. As a musician, he astounds as a solo artist and part of a band; however, it is the personal narrative that tugs at my heartstrings. This is my introduction to Dhillon, but the feeling linked to his songs was one of familiarity – a comforting friend with a big grin smiling like he’d known me for more than a few seconds. Already entertaining audiences for over a decade – his debut release on Spotify being in 2008 – Australia-based Dhillon is no newbie to the music scene. I wouldn’t call him a veteran; I mean how many years need to pass before you hit the veteran stage? I would call him knowledgeable and skilled in linking melody, emotion and existential themes.

Following his three-song release All over the place/All my friends, Parmy Dhillon takes another step into 2024 with his single ‘India’. Sophisticated but filled with raw youthfulness, ‘India’ is an intricate combination of personal vulnerabilities and insightful reflection. Penned as a tribute to his late father, Dhillon embraces his culture, heritage and identity while working through the pain of losing his parent. Dhillon explains:

“My new single ‘India’ was written late last year after my father passed away in India. The song details my longing to get back to India after his passing… The song was written as a tribute and reminder to myself… to always remember my culture and who I am.”

Obscure, off-kilter and a true push of musical conventionalism, ‘India’ is a mish-mash of indie-folk, pop and traditional Indian music flecked by fluttering jazz with interspersed classical strings. Fusing acoustic guitars, trumpets, strings (I think violins but don’t quote me), drums and percussion, one might imagine the production to be a little scattered; however, every element is embraced as a harmonic symphony. Smile-inducing, toe-tapping, heartfelt and upbeat with exuberant infectiousness, Dhillon has outdone himself with this true celebration of not just culture but life.

In addition to his single, Parmy Dhillon released an official music video for ‘India’. You can view the video below and on Dhillon’s YouTube channel.

Find out more about Parmy Dhillon on his Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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