Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Pale Strangers – Ghosts Are Gone (2024)

Pale Strangers is a band formed by two UK gentlemen informally identified as Chris and James. They started life under a different name, Rival Bones, but confusion with Rival Sons and the initials of Royal Blood led them to rebrand after they broke up shortly before Covid. When they got back together in 2023, they started writing songs for a new EP set to come out later this year. ‘Ghosts are Gone’ is the second single to be released (the first was ‘Deep Waters’) and continues
the band’s move deeper into metal terrain.

They had previously set up camp in a comfortable no man’s land between metal and 80s hair rock, as their 2018 EP Strangefruit exemplifies, but it was a short trip to the other side. On ‘Ghosts are Gone,’ hook-laden guitar parts have shed the bluesy hints that previously coloured their songs, and the vocals on their strong melodies have become a little raspier. While the Rival Bones’ incarnation of their band was super cool, Pale Strangers feels distinctly clarified in its purpose.

‘Ghosts are Gone’ starts with a classic metal riff that contrasts with a quieter section of melody over a guitar-strummed chord and drums. This simple juxtaposition goes a long way toward creating interest in a song that is dependent on single-note guitar riffs throughout the chorus and bridge. That quietly strummed chord gives everything else the chance to be as primal as it wants to be. Here’s another nice contrast in the song: the melody is quite lovely. Strip away the noise and grit-laden angst, and you have lyrics about loneliness and isolation riding on something slow and mournful.

Coming in at under three and a half minutes (let’s hear it for the power of brevity!), ‘Ghosts are Gone’ follows up the moody ‘Deep Waters’ to create genuine interest in their upcoming EP.

Find out more about Pale Strangers on their Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

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