Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Noshows – Slow Up (2023)

While originally the project of singer-songwriter Max Satow, Noshows began as one person but blossomed into a collection of eclectic artists. Never ones to follow the mainstream and stick to a style, the US-based group take pride in their rejection of a single genre. From jazz and funk to hip-hop and indie rock, it is impossible to know what will emerge in their next song. When we left Noshows they wrapped us in a psychedelic indie-rock blanket with a dash of hip-hop tugging at the sides. A few months later, the group released their “who the hell knows what to expect” single ‘Slow Up’.

Following the well-received single ‘Paranoid’, Noshows shift to a trap meets rap-rock track filled with slivers of pop and funk-inspired tinges – I told you they know how to keep things fresh. While ‘Tired Eyes’ tossed us into a brash, bumpy bounce of music, ‘Slow Up’ is far smoother. Think of a slippery slide filled with kaleidoscopic walls and happiness oozing from the centre. Now, prepare yourself to journey down that tube of jovial light alongside Max Satow and rapper AUD. Ready…go!

Touching on the stressful intricacies of living in a rat-race society encumbered by challenges, anxiety and vulnerability, one would expect ‘Slow Up’ to be melancholic and angsty. Noshows takes the theme, turns it on its head and offers a jovial, bouncier, whimsical take on coping with life’s stressors. Penned and produced by Satow, the edgy single talks about dealing with post-pandemic stress by merely chilling out. It might be called ‘Slow Up’ but the message is to slow down. Interestingly, while Satow’s dulcet vocals sing about slowing down, AUD’s fiery tone adds another dimension to the track planting bold ferocity pushing away those stressors.

“Though ‘Slow Up’ has a pretty intense groove, I generally see my vibe as laidback, and I was blown away by the fiery energy AUD brought to the track… The song encourages intentionally slowing down when life becomes too fast-paced. I’ve come to realise how crucial it is to step back and evaluate my well-being since it has a significant impact on my mental state. As I was writing it, I thought about my own struggles with anxiety and coping mechanisms, and rather than go dark I wanted to shed a positive light on that.” – Max Satow on ‘Slow Up’

For more from Noshows, check out their official website, Instagram and Spotify.

For more from AUD, check out her Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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