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NJ – RED (2022)

Love can be powerful, intoxicating and filled with beautiful wonder, but it can also be the complete contrary. Instead of beauty and light, you have gritty frustration and anxiety – all thanks to love. US-based singer-songwriter takes these emotions and expresses them through music. Placing us in a sonic bubble soaring off into the distance, NJ has an interesting and completely unique discography. One of the latest additions to her discography is the single ‘RED’.

Described by various blogs as having a “unique alt-pop sounds that sets her apart…” (The Quad) and having “deeper meaning in her lyrics…” (Unclear Magazine), NJ is profound, obscure and intriguing. Hot on the heels of her collaborative single with Mileage, ‘RED’ adopts a sexier, smoother RnB sound. Yet, while there is a laidback smoothness to the soundscape, an underlying synth beat brings a grittier underlying element to ‘RED’.

If you are a fan of Ariana Grande, the chances are likely that you’ll love NJ. Soulful, sexy and sensual, NJ’s vocals meld elegantly with the toe-tapping instrumentation. Interestingly enough, her dulcet tones also bring to the fore the profound meaning of ‘RED’. Controlled clarity is mixed with sincere vulnerability in her voice showcasing her sophisticated musicality.

“This song [RED] represents the feeling of frustration and confusion that sparks from having feelings for someone that isn’t a good communicator. One minute everything is amazing and I’m blushing, the next minute I’m red from anger.” – NJ on ‘RED’

Bringing an intense intimacy to her single, NJ connects with audiences on a deeper level. Her personal narrative places the listener in a comfortable bubble; however, the grittiness of ‘RED’ can leave you a little red in the face. Sincere, sentimental, genuine and brutally honest, ‘RED’ is a song not to be ignored.

For more from NJ check out her Instagram and Spotify.  

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