Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Nekoticat – A Million Voices (2024)

Surrounded by an ocean of uncertainty, despair, inconsideration, frustration, anger, rage, fear, and all the grungy things that come from living in a, let’s say challenging society, Nekoticat is the island on the horizon. A place for rest, calm, peace and solace with gentle palm trees and life-giving water. It’s a place we all long to reach and with Nekoticat’s music, we can walk along drawing in fresh air with each chord.

Alright, so who is Nekoticat? Who do we owe this soul-stirring serenity to? The solo project of a Germany-based musician, Nekoticat is a fusion of “electronic elements and metal riffs to channel raw emotion”. Oddly, this raging blast of music offers the same life-giving tranquillity of complete silence. Come with us as we delve into the artist’s debut single ‘A Million Voices’.

Flood a glass with the sounds of Marilyn Manson, Lacuna Coil and Rammstein, and you have ‘A Million Voices’. Bold, harsh and abrupt, pounding drums and searing guitars clasp you in a vice. The gut-wrenching stab and breath-taking crash rip through with hard-hitting intensity. Dark gothic vibes mix with a slick metal ambience enhanced by Nekoticat’s quick growl; however, there is a lighter, fresh skin-tingling haze along the soundscape. Layers of wispy synths cool the pulsating crashes like a light fog in an eerie forest.

The melody in itself is intoxicating but, in my opinion, it is Nekoticat’s mysterious vocals that capture the essence of ‘A Million Voices’. Oscillating between the grittiness of despair and chaos to the soothing lilt of empowerment and hope, there is a line between scream and serenade. This may be one person representing the voice of millions, but it is also millions singing in unison with one voice.

“In the midst of overwhelming choices, I invite listeners to stop waiting to live their life with my debut single ‘A Million Voices’. My music is a fusion of gothic metal and electronic elements to create a mysterious but empowering sonic landscape. This song represents my personal wake-up call, no longer to hide in the shadows but begin my music journey… a personal manifesto of new beginnings and overcoming the pain of indecisive action…” – Nekoticat on ‘A Million Voices’

Find out more about Nekoticat on his official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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