Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Neither Do I – Ghost Machine (2025)

The brainchild of singer-songwriter Danny Ebdale, Neither Do I finds that line between alternative rock, indie pop, and pop-rock, then blurs it into a kaleidoscopic swirl of sound. Known for his work with the group Hospital Sports and his solo project April’s Fool, Neither Do I shows us another side to Ebdale’s multi-faceted musical personality. This is our introduction to Neither Do I and it’s always great to discover new artists – even if some aren’t exactly your cup of tea. I’m not saying Ebdale’s not our cup of tea; I just mean… well, continue reading to discover our thoughts on his new track, ‘Ghost Machine’.

Taken from his upcoming album, We’re Not Known For Anything, ‘Ghost Machine’ breathes life into 90s pop-rock with contemporary indie-rock sentimentalities shimmering in the melody. In rhythmic harmony, ‘Ghost Machine’ presents a mellifluous rush of soaring guitars, bold bass and dynamic drums; however, just as each instrument stands in unison, there’s something about the elements that have each sparking with individuality. Moreover, duality exists in the sophisticated production while raw vulnerability echoes in Danny Ebdale’s rich vocals.

Melodically, ‘Ghost Machine’ travels from anchored rock to hazy bubbles of sound. Yet, it is not only the melody that sends your emotions bouncing about in a soul-stirring tune; the poetic lyricism is as enchanting. Ebdale explains:

“’Ghost Machine’ is about feeling like you are surrounded by people that deliberately don’t quite acknowledge you, especially in the music scene, feeling your work has been under-appreciated. It’s about not letting the big names have the power to discourage you because they have “the thing”, and so you navigate by soldiering on, despite these feelings.”

Sincere, sentimental, introspective and filled with genuine honesty, Neither Do I settles the Monday blues – despite its less than cheerful message. Is this my cup of tea? As I sit with a steaming cup of Rooibos and biscuit, I have to nod emphatically declaring Neither Do I a perfect cup of tea. Highly recommended!

In addition to the single, Neither Do I released an official lyric video for ‘Ghost Machine’. You can view the video below or on his YouTube channel.

Find out more about Neither Do I on his Spotify.

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