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Maddy Carty – Playing With Fire (2022)

Described by Gavin Martin at Daily Mirror as a “strikingly sophisticated and self-contained talent…”, UK-based Maddy Carty combines innocence with sophistication in a mature sound. Already an established artist having cuts with notable labels like Warner, working with other artists and producers, receiving coverage from SKY, RGM Press and BBC Radio, and performing at festivals across the globe, Carty is a force to be reckoned with. The latest addition to his talented singer-songwriter’s repertoire is ‘Playing With Fire’.

Known for her bold songs promoting empowerment and strength among women, Carty brings us another “don’t mess with me because I’m a girl” anthem. Following the raw and vulnerable track ‘Future Daughter’, ‘Playing With Fire’ is an eclectic feast for the ears. With the intimacy of Tracy Chapman and the power of Amy Winehouse, ‘Playing With Fire’ is a soul meets contemporary pop single. Her soulful vocals blend effortlessly with the underlying jazz-inspired drums and interspersed piano. To be honest, Carty could perform ‘Playing With Fire’ without any instrumentation and it would be as outstanding.

As compared to the commercial pop ‘Hell of a Year’ (released in 2021) and old-school ballad style of ‘Future Daughter’, ‘Playing With Fire’ has an emotive heat resting within its elegant arrangement. I could say Carty shows a reminiscence to Amy Winehouse in her vocals and lyricism with the obscurity and heartfelt vulnerability; however, there is an edginess that makes Carty’s tones quite inimitable.

What I love about ‘Playing With Fire’ (and I really do love this song) is the alignment of the feisty melody and fiery theme. Carty explains that “I can be pretty stubborn when I want to be and my partner knows better than to tell me what to do…this song is about those little battles you have in any relationship where you both want to win but someone’s got to step down, usually it’s him! It works best for everyone…”

Empowering, bold, sincere and filled with a no-nonsense attitude, Maddy Carty hits you in the chest with her striking single ‘Playing With Fire’.

For more from Maddy Carty check out her Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.  

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