Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Karen Harding – I’ve Got a Secret (2022)

Karen Harding’s intimate storytelling got us hooked on her sound from her debut single ‘I Didn’t Realise’ through to ‘Something Special’. With her latest single ‘I’ve Got a Secret’, she delves into the heart of the anxiety and fear that comes from sharing a less than perfect side of yourself. Packed with the vulnerability of being open to the judgement of others, the single carries a deep message that we all need to hear.

As she draws on the fact that we live in a world filled with the idealisation of perfection, she considers how we often feel that we are not good enough. Through the unleashing of the vulnerability, fears and imperfections that we lock away, she offers a touch of catharsis. As the title track of her upcoming EP, it gives us a taste of what is to come.

The guitar lines that open ‘I’ve Got a Secret’ have a steady feeling to them as they draw you into the single. The acoustic tones bring an earthy touch to the single that dances on a gentle breeze bringing the relaxing scent of nature with it. While the guitar line has a steadiness to it, there is also a touch of tentative vulnerability. Through the notes, you can feel an opening of your inner self that is tempered by nervousness about the reception you will get. This has been rather masterfully crafted into a melodic movement that is delightfully understated under the more powerful vocals. The use of the acoustic guitar to drive the melody provide the intimacy of the single and the vulnerable authenticity that lends more power to the vocal performance. The drums that sweep across the soundscape later in the track bring a rich texture to the track that further enhances the vocals.

As the melody creates the first feelings of vulnerability, Harding’s vocals weave the reason for this into the single. Her vocals are a tender confession that picks up the anxiety and fear of opening yourself up to other people. The almost whispered opening of her performance gains strength as she starts to open up about her emotions. There is a worry of negative reactions taken to new heights by the heart-wrenching question that dominates the vocals. Her performance reaches into your chest and squeezes your heart until you are choked with the churning emotions of the track. The authentic vulnerability in her voice is stunning and really showcases the emotive prowess of her musicality.

With an extremely emotive vocal performance and vulnerable melody, Karen Harding unleashes the anxiety and fear of opening up to someone else in ‘I’ve Got a Secret’. The single has a tenderness that reaches into your chest with the anxious emotions of the vocals to squeeze and tug at your heartstrings. The vulnerability woven into the melody bolsters the uncertainty of the vocals making the emotions more powerful.

Find out more about Karen Harding on her website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

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