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Joshua Ketchmark – No Stopping Us (2023)

Described by notable publications as “…an ardent singer, songwriter and guitarist…” (Sinusoidal Music), “…a real artistic quality that shines through in his work” (Skope Magazine), and “…powerful and emotive…” (Find No Enemy), Joshua Ketchmark is an artist with stirring musicality. His sensitive and sentimental, but still heart-stirringly heavy, tunes transcend time bringing retro folk-rock to modern-day audiences. Come with us as we delve into his latest single ‘No Stopping Us’.

The fourth single from his 2022 album Blood, ‘No Stopping Us’ effortlessly melds country rock with indie-folk playing along a Nashville country vibe. Toe-tapping from the outset, ‘No Stopping Us’ is a smooth, flowing track reaching into your heart and making you smile. While there is a melodic joviality tossing you about in a heart-warming way, the profound juxtaposition of vulnerable lyricism in an upbeat tone showcases Ketchmark’s depth as an artist.

Penned as a song of coming-of-age, ‘No Stopping Us’ is based on Ketchmark’s personal experiences “growing up two-and-a-half hours south of Chicago…” The lyrics “there’re some timeless traditions small towns conjure, dark roads your youth is meant to wander” illustrate the melancholic, desperate, frustrating and confusing experiences of youth. Yet, while a vulnerable chord is struck, a hopefulness is heard or rather felt in the intimate embrace of ‘No Stopping Us’.

Sincere, sentimental, charming and introspective, Joshua Ketchmark creates a pool of fragility and vulnerability in ‘No Stopping Us’.

For more from Joshua Ketchmark, check out his official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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