Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Goia Paranoia – Black Out (2024)

Everyone loves the underdog, the little guy, the one in the back that isn’t noticed until they rear their head above the rest; yes, everyone roots for the underdog and Goia Paranoia share their support in moving melodies. Formed earlier this year, the Swedish four-piece blends elements of punk, metal and hard rock in a powerful “kick to the head” rush of music. Join us as we take a deep breath, close our eyes, and jump into their debut single ‘Black Out’.

Drawing together the natural talent of Simon Lindberg (vocals), Antonio Maglica (guitar and vocals), Tobias Näsström (bass) and Tage Andersson (drums), ‘Black Out’ is an intoxicating brush with high-voltage music. From the crashing drums to bold bass and scorching guitar, Goia Paranoia describes their debut as “…a doom-laden psychedelic barrage of headbang-inducing noise exploring alternative worlds and the extreme states of mind…” While I totally agree with the barrage of headband-inducing noise, I feel there is far more to ‘Black Out’.

Immersing listeners in a hurricane of music, the instruments twirl about with slices of different colours amidst the dark, head-whipping rush of sound. Andersson’s drums break through with a piercing blue thread, while Näsström flutters along with bold yellow. Maglica’s scorching guitar lights the darkness with a tantalising shimmering red, with Lindberg’s vocals pulsating and binding the noise with an outstandingly fierce gold – almost too bright to see but always felt.

One aspect I find intriguing about ‘Black Out’ is Goia Paranoia showcasing their innovation, originality and versatility in four minutes. Reeling from the chaotic punk, an oscillation emerges from brash shouts to an alternative rock soothing lilt – a break from the madness. While ‘Black Out’ begins in the insanity of punk, it marches to darker, danker, tragic hard rock/metal tones trudging ahead in its intricate arrangement.

Perhaps ‘Black Out’ is the breath of the underdog tossed into the mishmash but boldly stepping out in a breath-taking grandness? We all know that Goia Paranoia loves the underdog. If this is the band’s introduction to the world, I cannot wait to hear what else they have up their sleeves. Highly recommended and one to watch!

Find out more about Goia Paranoia on their Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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