Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Glenn Valles – A Troubled Mind (2022)

Throughout life, we are confronted with powerful storms that rip through our lives, battering us with their emotional winds. If you need some strength to help anchor you in one of these storms, Glenn Valles and his collaborators are here for you with ‘A Troubled Mind’. Through the soulful rock flows and skilful rap, the single considers weathering trying times, while offering the power you need to stand firm in the face of problems.

Through his songwriting abilities, Valles brings the tempest of emotions to life with the help of vocalists to edge toward sonic glory. His outstanding skills reach across genres, drawing what he needs from different styles to glow with untold power. These talents have seen his music shortlisted for Hollywood films, TV shows and netted him a number of international music awards.

The guitar that opens ‘A Troubled Mind’ grabs your attention and hooks you to the single from the first note. There is a rock-blues feeling to the melody that gets your foot tapping to the rhythm. It is a really rich musical movement that brings the static electricity that fills the air before a storm to sonic life. This is tempered with the soulful slide of the music that enhances the movement of the vocals. There is a carefully crafted arrangement to the melody that allows the instrumentation to come in slowly while enhancing the vocals. The guitar and horns that fill the bridge are addictive and an absolute pleasure to listen to.

While the melody is undeniably rich and powerful, the vocal performances really bring the storms of life to the track. The bluesy hum that calls out over the opening guitar line is absolutely fantastic, before the full force of the blues rock vocals hit. There is a light gruffness to the opening vocal line that brings that chill to the air before a thunderstorm that lets you know you need to get inside to weather the winds and lashing rains. The rap-rock vocals that enter bring the weight of struggles in life, before sliding back into the soulful rock. The lyrics touch on unhealthy coping mechanisms that are used to withstand the problems of life. The interplay between the vocal lines is fantastic and really shows the versatility of Valles’ songwriting as they seamlessly flow from one to the other while bringing the slow boost of the single.

Helping us weather the storms in our lives, Glenn Valles fills our senses with a decadent mixture of rap, rock, soul and blues that dances across your skin like static electricity in ‘A Troubled Mind’. Valles’ songwriting prowess is on full display in this single as he masterfully arranges a rich melody and two distinct vocal lines. The lyrics bring the struggles we all face to life, temper them with bad coping mechanisms, before slowly shoring up your defences against the winds of turbulent emotions.

Find out more about Glenn Valles on his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

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