Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Glenn Thomas – Looking East (2025)

Known for his straight-forward, “cut to the quick”, no-nonsense exposition of life in all its small grittiness and greater triumphs, singer-songwriter Glenn Thomas offers raw passion and intimacy with his music. While this is our introduction to the US-based artist, we’re a bit late to the party as Thomas already has a large international following as part of the alternative rock band, Wild Sun, and with his solo project. Trailing back to his 2018 releases, including the well-received 2020 single ‘Give A Damn’, there’s quite a bit to catch up on, but we’re pleased to make the journey. Join us as we delve into his latest single, ‘Looking East’.

Following the critically acclaimed ‘Good Riddance Cries’, ‘Looking East’ is Thomas’s second step into 2025. Joined by Austin Hoke (cello) and Spencer Cullum (pedal steel), Thomas’s guitar, piano, and vocals tug on his folk roots flecked with indie-pop tinges. Soft and soothing, ‘Looking East’ is a harmonic blend of instruments with a gentle vocal binding the production. Yet, as much as everything comes together in a rhythmic flood of guitar, pedal steel and drums, there is individuality that seemingly captures different emotions before weaving an emotional tapestry of shimmering hopefulness.

For me, it’s a toss-up between the piano and cello as to what most tugs at those heartstrings. Each is haunting, but with a mellifluous charm calming any difficult thoughts, challenges or feelings. Perhaps it’s Thomas’s dulcet voice that stirs your soul and leaves you breathless. All in all, ‘Looking East’ is the song you need for a teensy bit of reprieve after a tiring day.

Melodically, ‘Looking East’ is magical; however, it is the lyricism and inspiration behind the tune that expresses its evocative sound. Glenn Thomas explains: “I wrote this after a sleepless night and getting up early to watch the sun rise. It was profoundly beautiful, and a true sense of peace washed over me. I felt so in the moment that it was hard to describe, but of course, being a songwriter, I had to try.”

Find out more about Glenn Thomas on his official website, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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