Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Garlen Lo – Pretty Baby (2024)

Following his well-received releases ‘I’ll Try My Best To Get To You‘ and ‘Sentimental Guy’, the time has come for another Garlen Lo single. Lo is taking that slow, often painful route of trying to perfect his music by going through one single at a time, this being his eighth single release. Some other artists would rush with an album, and that often results in ups and downs, Lo seems to think that it just might be better to sculpt each song one by one to be able to reach that sweet spot so a possible album will have all ups and no downs.

This time around, he comes up with ‘Pretty Baby’, a song when he was a twee teenager of 17, something he says turned out to be a favourite at family gatherings. And yes, he gives it that twee-pop treatment, with his now recognizable tongue-in-cheek lyrics and equally cheeky comment that is a cross between Sam Cooke and The Moldy Peaches.

While Cooke might be hiding somewhere in there, The Moldy Peaches do distinctly come across with just his voice and acoustic guitar, and you realize why it might be the family gathering favourite. At the same time, it shows two things – that Lo has a vast music collection that he can digest so easily, and at the same time, that he can diversify his musical repertoire without missing a note or a beat.

Again, that slow-burning process of releasing your music song-by-song seems to be paying of for this London via Hong Kong singer-songwriter, who is turning out to be a pop/rock force to be reckoned with as his singles keep rolling on. The possible album just might be a pop cracker, that will surely make the listeners smile.

In addition to the single, Garlen Lo released an official music video for ‘Pretty Baby’. You can view the video below or on Lo’s YouTube channel.

Find out more about Garlen Lo on his official websiteFacebookX (formerly Twitter)Instagram and Spotify.

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