Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Garlen Lo – Brown Paper Ball (2024)

If anybody thinks that it is easy to create a good bedroom-pop song in your bedroom, garage, or a proper studio, then they probably didn’t try to do it themselves. Not only is it a lonely thing to do, but you really have to come up with a great melody line, a proper set of lyrics, and you do have to play and record it so it appeals to at least one person. Well, actually, it should appeal to quite a few people. 

That lonely route is something taken by London via Hong Kong singer-songwriter Garlen Lo on his fifth single ‘Brown Paper Ball’. That brown ball in Lo’s words is a love letter he wrote but decided it isn’t the right thing or maybe he’s afraid that his love will be unrequited. Whatever the case is, Lo’s seemingly mundane lyrics do have a good meaning and a good sense of humour as he fits it into a melody that starts with simple lines, but then he adds enough interesting elements to make it work as it should. Eventually, he comes up with a nice slice of a bedroom pop to make it fit well into any playlist that has that summery feel.

In addition to his single, Garlen Lo released an official music video for ‘Brown Paper Ball’. You can view the video below or on his YouTube channel. Please note that this video uses lighting effects that can trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.

Find out more about Garlen Lo on his official website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

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