Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

For You Brother – Nice Money (2024)

Not your average rock band, For You Brother is carving its niche in the classic rock music scene, and they’re reaching far beyond their US borders. With only a couple of tracks streaming on their Spotify, one might consider For You Brother as a newbie pair, but this is far from the truth. In 2007, Jon Dash (guitars and bass) met Deep Soul School (vocals) after hiring a rapper for a song he was writing; since then, the pair have penned over 200 songs, featured in various films and Mercedes Benz commercials (the music not the people), and receive airtime with critical acclaim on an international scale. The latest addition to their discography is the single ‘Nice Money’.

Following the well-received single ‘America’, ‘Nice Money’ shifts from a strong classic rock sound to something, well, different. Dipping into various genres, ‘Nice Money’ fuses funk, soul, rap and hard rock in a kaleidoscopic melting pot of sound. Recorded and produced at Dizzieland USA, the track is a concoction of scorching guitars, bold bass and Deep Soul School’s brash vocals; however, amidst the chaotic abruptness of the track, the arrangement is harmonic in its edgy sound. Finding the line between harsh and smooth, slivers of funk, soul and rap join in a golden rock wrapper.

One aspect I find intriguing about For You Brother is a means of melding different decades into a modern-day tune. Proving that good music can transcend time, ‘Nice Money’ is a tribute to 90s rap but with a wash of 70s funk and soul drawing together iconic sounds in just under three minutes. Inspired by artists like Yes and Prince, I hear (and feel) the obscurity of Prince’s unique style whispering through the track; however, there is an originality to For You Brother creating a signature style that is them and no one else.

With a desire to play from the heart and singe from the soul, For You Brother describes ‘Nice Money’ as “a fun song to hopefully put a smile on your face” – and, at least for me, it definitely does. Bubbling with a soul-stirring, heart-warming, “get out and bust a move” vibe, ‘Nice Money’ is the perfect song to make everything seem better on the rainiest of days.  

Find out more about For You Brother on their official website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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