Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Flux Corporation – Burn (2024)

Flux Corporation – your guidepost at the fringes of reality. Given their description, one would consider Flux Corporation to be a band of steady sounds and practical styles; however, it’s not quite that route. Weaving a tapestry with bright threads of rock, metal and punk, the guidepost is a glittering kaleidoscope of music within a harmonic symphony. The international collaboration of American Ace Parlier (vocals and guitar) and Italian Mattia Degli Agosti (drums and percussion), Flux Corporation is set to conquer the world. The latest addition to their discography is the single ‘Burn’.

While Flux Corporation has only four singles to their name these musicians are hardly newbies. With several years in the music industry, Parlier and Agosti draw together various influences, experiences, and skills. Following the well-received 2023 tracks ‘Whatever Dreams May Come’ and ‘Bail’, ‘Burn’ is a nostalgic blast of hard rock flushed with 70s classic rock.

Shifting from the grunge-tinged ‘Whatever Dreams May Come’ and metal meets punk-influenced ‘Burn’, ‘Burn’ is more solid, more powerful, more “in your face” without breaking your eardrums. Produced by Agosti, sophisticated elegance oozes from the track highlighting wisdom, knowledge and artistic mastery; however, a ferocious naivety rages beneath. It’s sort of like the intense anger you sometimes feel when dealing with an annoying situation, yet you veil it with a mature nod of your head and smile. The insanity beneath a staid surface.

Sophistication tunnels rawness as the crashing drums collide with scorching guitars, but in the most harmonic way possible. Parlier’s rough vocals embrace the melody as it screams in a fit of temper hurling the brashness of hard rock at listeners, prompting an almost Lord of the Flies dance about the sonic fire. Aligning perfectly with the title, it’s really about burning (not literally) but involves more than the flame. Penned by Parlier, ‘Burn’ is a “kiss-off to Ace’s former bandmates…” – a song of dismissal, rejection and empowering disregard.

Find out more about Flux Corporation on their Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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