Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Disconnectica – Reveal (2024)

Have you ever had a time when someone covered your eyes so you couldn’t look at the surprise your friend was going to show? Well, Disconnectica is the dude covering your eyes and his music is the surprise. How so? Step back because his melodies sound like organic instrumentation but are a fusion of electronic algorithms. The project of Australian singer-songwriter Robert Webb, his eclectic melodies are quirky, obscure, original, innovative and push the boundaries of conventionalism.

This is my first taste of Disconnectica, but his music has enthralled international audiences for years, as have his intriguing videos. From Australia to North America, Europe and Asia, he has been featured on various publications, radio stations, and earned numerous awards for his videos (including Festival de Indie, the Aasha International Film Festival, the Cuckoo International Film Awards, and many others). I find it amusing that Webb began playing the piano as a young person but found himself composing and recording instrumental pieces on the “primitive interfaces” of his family’s synthesizers – “Who needs a computer when you have two lines of dot-matrix text?” The latest addition to his discography is the single ‘Reveal’.

As with his singles ‘Kindest Regards’ and ‘White Noise’, ‘Reveal’ is best described as an experience instead of discussed as something emanating from the speakers. Like Alice from Alice In Wonderland, we fall down the rabbit hole to an enchanted world in ‘Reveal’ where, as the Chesire Cat so eloquently put it: “we’re all mad here”.

Sitting in a dark patch between heavy trees, you feel eyes watch you from every corner – hushed stalking with every instrument peaking out in eerie glory. One blink from a searing guitar, then another cackle from strings, a tweak of percussion, sneaky synths, fluttering piano, and bold drums pulsating in time to your heartbeat. A whirlpool of gut-wrenching, skin-tingling, fearful, breath-taking, “bloody hell, this is insane and slightly terrifying” sensations. Add Webb’s vocals diverting from hushed haunting to warm richness, caressing but erratic, confident but fragile… it’s all madness.

Interestingly, while the melody rushes you into one of those “get me out of here” frenzies, a harmony exists in the disconnected insanity. Like the Cheshire Cat said, “We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad…if you weren’t mad, you wouldn’t be here…” ‘Reveal’ is our wonderland, the glitzy realm of soothing, sinister but highly introspective and honest sound that, once you get used to it, is familiar and enchanting.  If this is anything to go by, I cannot wait for Disconnetica’s upcoming album Eclectic Dystopia.

Find out more about Disconnectica on his official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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