Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Dax – A Real Man (2024)

Described as “a rising artist who is currently making something from absolutely nothing”, singer-songwriter Dax captures the core of humanity and weaves all threads together into a glowing sonic fabric. The US-based musician first reached our ears last year with ‘The Abyss’, taken from his album What is life?, and since then has released several singles including the critically acclaimed and mind-boggling well-received track ‘Dear Alcohol’. A confident performer and intriguing studio artist, Dax has a way of catching your attention and never letting go. The latest addition to his repertoire is the single ‘A Real Man’.

One of the most interesting aspects of Dax is how he fuses diverse genres that should collide yet are complementary in his harmonic tunes. Following the blues-inspired hip-hop tone of ‘Dear Alcohol’, Dax clasps Americana in one hand with hip-hop in the other and smashes them together in the soothing ‘A Real Man’. Produced by Lex Nour and Backnine Z, the single wraps listeners in a kaleidoscopic haze of synths, bold beats and a gentle guitar. You find the line between acoustic country and electronic rap, then almost tumble beyond into the chasm of confusion; however, Dax grabs you in a warm embrace before you fall.

Tackling the entirely unrealistic “Disney princess happily ever after” scenario, Dax sheds light on the reality of the prince being human. In ‘A Real Man’ he muses that “…she says she wants a real man but what she wants is not for a real man.” The lad may pull out your chair and hold doors open, but this does not mean he is Prince Charming; he has his problems and concerns, and sometimes living up to these radical expectations results in “the man he once knew, on the inside he died.”

You might find it weird and slightly laughable, but I can clearly imagine Kenny Rogers singing ‘A Real Man’. Perhaps it is the country vibe and tender lyrical execution, I’m not sure, but I believe Rogers would have done wonders with an already wonderful song. Sincere, sentimental and unafraid to tear open unrealistic relationship ideals, Dax’s ‘A Real Man’ is an eye-opening narrative wrapped in a silky melody.

In addition to the single, Dax released an official music video for ‘A Real Man’. You can view the video below or on his YouTube channel.

Find out more about Dax on his official website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

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