Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Cindy-Louise – Femme Fatale (2021)

While we are told that we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, that doesn’t stop people from doing just that. In response, Cindy-Louise unleashes the mysterious and dark depths of ‘Femme Fatale’. Drawing you in with a combination of pop and RnB, she reminds us to never underestimate someone and to not judge until you know exactly who you are dealing with.

With a blast of female empowerment, the single lets you know that you can never really tell what someone is capable of and reminds us to not judge until we do. While Cindy-Louise has been singing for most of her life, she only recently took it up professionally. Since then, she has been featured on radio stations and hosts a radio podcast reflecting on the ups and downs of the music industry as an independent artist.

‘Femme Fatale’ clicks into your ears with a mysterious swirl. There is a sultry and seductive flow to the melody that flutters against your skin like satin ribbons. The flow of the music brings a red tinge to the melody as you are pulled further into the dark night. As the music twirls around you with its seductive flow, it brings a soulful RnB edge to dark pop. It is a very smooth melody that effortlessly pulls you under its spell and sinks the hooks of dark instrumentation into your soul. The melody just perfectly swirls with the seductive yet mysterious aura of a femme fatale who slips through your fingers.

As you are drawn further into the mysterious darkness by the melody, the vocals smoothly slide through the story of the lyrics. There is a warning woven into the lyrics that remind you to take care when you make assumptions about people because you could take on more than you can handle. The vocals performance is utterly enthralling and slinks into your veins and replaces your blood with the soulful RnB flow. Through all of this, Cindy-Louise brings a sense of empowerment to female listeners.

Cindy-Louise swirls through your senses with a seductive and mysterious sound wrapped about a word of caution with ‘Femme Fatale’. If you are in the mood for a single that brings sultry danger to an unforgettable flow of soulful RnB, this is the one you want. The single is packed with sultry tones, powerful vocals and a word of warning for anyone who judges a book by its cover.

Find out more about Cindy-Louise on her website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.