Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Christophe Lorient – Petit écran de couleur (2025)

A couple of years ago, we were introduced to the talented musician Christophe Lorient with his single, ‘Notre Jardin Secret’. With its flowing classical strings, piano and acoustic-inspired ballad, the Belgium-based singer-songwriter won at least my heart with its silent beauty. Skip ahead to 2025 and Lorient returns to our eyes and ears with the new single, ‘Petit écran de couleur’. Join us as we wade through the new melody.

The radio edit of ‘Écran de couleur’, ‘Petit écran de couleur’ is a shorter, simpler, radio-friendlier version of Lorient’s provocative perspective of 21st-century media. Translated to “small colour screen”, ‘Petit écran de couleur’ effectively hints at the screens bringing us images and words from across the globe in an overwhelming rush of mass media. With a sophisticated arrangement, the sweep of “…images in the form of flashes that we often have to ingest at the same time as our daily meals…” is embodied in a kaleidoscopic sonic bubble – floating, bouncing and pulsating in its encased chaos.

While ‘Petit écran de couleur’ explores the frustration of a suffocating pour of media, there is an allusion to media censorship making those sonic bubbles more acceptable to society. I find it amusing that Lorient delves into this human censorship with irony in the tune. He shares: “If you hear a little beep at the last verse, it’s just a bit of irony to say that I prefer to censor myself with humour rather than be censored by an ignorant censor.”

So, lyrically and thematically, ‘Petit écran de couleur’ is a provocative divulging of our daily intake of media misinformation and disinformation; but what about melodically? Joined by Eric Abraham, Lorient holds your hand as you navigate a path of screens walking toward honesty and understanding. Interestingly, just as the single has a pop design with synth-driven sounds, an avant-garde attitude oozes indie-rock and folk tones through the percussion, guitar, drums, and Lorient’s rich vocals.

While this review explores Lorient’s single ‘Petit écran de couleur’, we highly recommend you take a look at his other releases. Below is an official music video for his single ‘La Vertitude’. You can view the video below or on Lorient’s YouTube channel.

For more from Christophe Lorient check out his official websiteFacebookTwitterInstagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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