Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Blind Man’s Daughter – Close Enough To Whisper (2024)

While Blind Man’s Daughter might have been founded in 2012 (technically, that is), it was after singer-songwriter Ashley Wolfe moved to New Mexico that the solo project took shape. Wolfe first hit our ears as Blind Man’s Daughter mid-year in 2023 with her single ‘Kyhell’ and we have not stopped listening. From North America to Europe, Australia and South America, BMD garners a following internationally, so it’s not just our heads she’s turning. The latest addition to her discography is the single ‘Close Enough To Whisper’.

Following her well-received ten-track album Sundressed, Blind Man’s Daughter stomps into 2024 with a blast of music. Considered “one of the most exciting new sounds in the metal scene”, Wolfe intoxicated audiences with a melodic metal sound; however, ‘Close Enough To Whisper’ sees a shift to something less metal and more pop. Instead of the heavy metal-influenced draft of scorching guitars and crashing drums, ‘Close Enough To Whisper’ captures the lighter side of Blind Man’s Daughter – and it’s rather interesting.

From the outset, Wolfe abandons her Halestorm meets Evanescence exterior emerging as a husky, synth-filled flood of alternative pop. Rock guitar lines linger beneath the silvery surface slipping between trap beats and electropop inclinations. I find it intriguing, however, that while the silky flood of breathy, sensual tones come at you with a cheeky smile, the sassiness of a hard rocker remains beneath. Soft and gentle with a smooth flow, ‘Close Enough To Whisper’ fits effortlessly on an alternative pop playlist but the influx of trap beats hints at something more intense than a dreamy melody.

Recorded at Wolfe’s studio, Blind Man’s Daughter LLC, with mixing and mastering by engineer Bobby Balow, ‘Close Enough To Whisper’ is an intricate arrangement with masterful composition. As I mentioned, the breath of a rocker simmers beneath; however, the wistful pop with trap beats stands tall as Wolfe emerges as a powerful pop songstress. Sleek, sexy and sassy, she captures the sensation of “a cool night in a city” with refreshing flair and charm.

Am I eager to hear more from this side of Blind Man’s Daughter? Am I interested in this evolution of sound? The answer is a heartfelt yes! I see the light beyond a dark mire with Wolfe holding out her hand…join me in taking it.

Find out more about Blind Man’s Daughter, check out her official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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