Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Anton Commissaris – Said, I’m Sorry (2024)

While Anton Commissaris is known for his moving melodies with tender emotion, it is his poetic lyricism that often ups the ante. Capturing the core of a theme, relaying it in relatable words, and connecting with his audience through stories – that is the beauty of Anton Commissaris and his music. Previously, he told us tales and held us captive with intimate narratives in ‘Have You Ever’, and he led us through a world of passion in ‘Baby, Can We Fall In Love’. Today, we sit down and prepare for Commissaris’ most recent single, ‘Said, I’m Sorry’.

Following the well-received EP, Crossroads of Chance, the US-based artist delves into the darker and more poignant side of love in ‘Said, I’m Sorry’; a tale of “…regret, love and redemption…” As he gathers us around, he navigates a journey from deep regret at betraying a partner’s trust, to the agony of remorse, the period of self-awareness, with a desire to reconnect and rekindle a lost relationship. Commissaris explains:

“’Said, I’m Sorry’ is a deeply personal song that speaks to the pain of realising you’ve hurt someone you love. It’s about owning up to your mistakes and understanding the weight of your actions.”

Lyrically, ‘Said, I’m Sorry’ oozes intrigue as we watch the tragedy of a decaying romance pan out – kind of like a movie screened through a wistful haze. Yet, just as the lyrics share the story, the melody is intriguing enhancing each emotion with a symphonic swirl – kind of like the movie’s soundtrack. The genre-diverse quality of the track clips at each complex aspect of human feeling drawing out something different with each chord.

A primarily country ballad about tragic relationships, the fiddle, pedal-steel guitar insert the Willie Nelson meets Kenny Rogers flair to ‘Said, I’m Sorry’. Yet, hints of jazz, blues and soul run through with haunting strings, soothing female backing vocals, a moving piano, and even a jangle-pop guitar solo.

So, what do I think of Anton Commissaris’ new song? Truthfully, it’s a bundle of toe-tapping fun that should breathe joviality; however, the vulnerability and fragility exposed with poetic lyricism make it a gem of intricate rawness and heartfelt hopelessness. A song you will laugh and cry to, I highly recommend ‘Said, I’m Sorry’.

Find out more about Anton Commissaris on his Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, TikTok and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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