Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Alwyn Morrison – Lenox Hill (2025)

With infectious glee, poetic lyricism, and overall electric performance, Alwyn Morrison slathers his songs with originality, innovation, and authenticity; plus, he’s pretty easy on the eyes. Ignore the good looks and you have more than a pretty face, you have a sophisticated singer-songwriter delving into yesteryear’s pop-rock tunes and bringing it to modern-day audiences. Last month, Morrison crossed our ears with his debut single ‘The City’. Join us as we gander at his most recent release, ‘Lenox Hill’.

Following the critically acclaimed ‘The City’, ‘Lenox Hill’ shows the softer, more soothing, gentle side of Morrison. Joined by composer Michael Kooman and producer Michael Carey, the single captures flits of 90s pop-rock; however, the instrumentation smooths any rock-inspired highs into a charming river of power-pop. For me, the drums and soaring guitar are enjoyable, but it is the flood of piano that makes the track. Performed by GRAMMY NEXT Program participant Harlan Hodges, the outstanding piano tugs at your heart and sends you swimming in a sonic river.

While ‘Lenox Hill’ has an interesting melodic production – one where the musicians bring the feel of live performance across a studio recording – Morrison’s lyricism enhances the theme. Adding weightiness to a tranquil tune, Morrison “weaves a compelling narrative of love and loss through the romantic streets of its namesake Manhattan neighbourhood…” For me, ‘Lenox Hill’ is primarily mellifluous with enchanting smiles, but there is also a sense of haunting vulnerability fluttering in the track. As with ‘The City’, ‘Lenox Hill’ is confident and bold, yet fragility exudes from the intricate composition.

In my review of Morrison’s single ‘The City’, I mentioned my concern that Morrison may have peaked with the debut track. Given ‘Lenox Hill’, I’m delighted to announce this isn’t the case. I’m eager to hear what else Morrison has in store.

In addition to the single, Alwyn Morrison released an official music video for ‘Lenox Hill’. You can view the video below or on his YouTube channel.

Find out more about Alwyn Morrison on his official website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, TikTok and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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