Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Ainsley Costello – EXLESS (2025)

While she will probably win your heart with her big eyes, cheeky grin, and pink hair (at least, it was pink at some point), Ainsley Costello is that girl you wanted to be friends with, but she is far more than a handsome face. Scratch away the exuberant exterior, and you’ll find someone able to express profound, emotional themes with sparkling creativity. Despite being only 20 years old, the US-based Costello is already earning international praise, building a global following, collaborating with industry professionals, and reshaping how artists connect with audiences through tech brands like TrueFans.FM and Wavlake. Come with us as we dive into her most recent single, ‘EXLESS’.

Produced with Nickolas Wheeler of All American Rejects, ‘EXLESS’ is a broad push of vintage pop-punk and pop-rock. For me, and this is just me, ‘EXLESS’ is a wild musical ride from the outset. Immediately pushing you into a sonic whirlpool, you’re pummelled with bold bursts of high-energy rock laced with shimmering slivers of contagious pop. Brimming with crashing drums, soaring guitars, and a bold bass, the melody whips past your head in a kaleidoscopic rush of sound. Yet, as much as the track is frenzied, chaotic, and can leave you breathless, there is a hidden lilt of soothing and calm as Costello hugs you close with her dulcet vocals.

In its bold, vibrant, crazy sonic bubble, ‘EXLESS’ can be described as a ton of fun – and the lyricism only enhances the jovial attitude. With an encouraging, empowering, optimistic call, Costello urges you to celebrate the present with a powerful scream of “yep, this is me, and I rock.” She explains:

“This song is about embracing where you are in life right now, loving yourself, and knowing that you’re enough just as you are. I wanted ‘EXLESS’, both the song and the album, to be something I didn’t hear growing up. There’s so much more to write about than just love and heartbreak.”

Find out more about Ainsley Costello on her official website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, TikTok and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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