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Aimee Broom – Faces (2021)

Aimee Broom is exploring a heavy topic through the bouncing and vibrant sounds of ‘Faces’. Taking a look at how a friend turns by having many faces, the single brings a summer dance vibe and freshness that is a bit at odds with the subject. With bubblegum pop tones bouncing along youthful EDM energy, the single has you bopping to the beat while contemplating the face friends show to the world.

Since her debut single earlier this year, Broom has been steadying expanding her fanbase. With her last single landing her on the Spotify Your Discover Weekly, she is moving from strength to strength. Using a sound that she is quickly becoming known for, she expands her offering with single and has you dancing around to her musical loops.

‘Faces’ is a pure bubblegum pop extravaganza from the first glittering tone. The melody has a building feeling in the opening that leads to the twinkles and colours of the chorus. While the song does have a slightly scaled back feeling compared to her last releases, the vibrant energy is still there. There is a touch of synth-wave woven into the music before the chorus has you bounding to a dance beat.

Broom’s vocals are soft and tender on the verses as she confronts a friend about the different faces they show to different people. While a single that calls out someone, there is a friendly concern as well. When the chorus and its dance beats hit, Broom’s vocals pulse and twinkle to match. As the lyrics touch on a rather heavy topic, there is a vibrant bop to the delivery that makes you want to twirl around and get lost in the pop sensations. You can easily imagine this song blaring from speakers while you have fun with friends on a warm summer day.

Aimee Broom has you bopping and twirling to her bubblegum pop tones while considering the different sides friends show to people in ‘Faces’. There is a wonderfully vibrant and upbeat feeling to the melody that works really well with the heavier topic being handled. Together, they form an engaging pop song that you can easily blare from your speakers.

Find out more about Aimee Broom on her Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

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