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Adri-Anne Ralph – Follow You Anywhere (2022)

When you are in a dark place, it can be easy to lose faith and feel that you have been left alone by a higher power. This is something that Adri-Anne Ralph has experienced and turned into the journey of faith that is ‘Follow You Anywhere’. Packed with passion, this single takes us on a journey from darkness into light, bringing the knowledge that regardless of what we feel, there is a higher power who will always love us.

Bringing her love of RnB into play, she combines it with the trap inspired beats of the Streetburnerz Production who she collaborated with for this track. While there is a clear Christian edge to the track, the emotions are such that they transcend religion and belief. In its essence, this single is one of love and the feeling of being willing to go to the ends of the Earth to remain with that love.

‘Follow You Anywhere’ slowly rises with a delicate sparkling tone that fills your senses with a glittering RnB vibe. The rolling beats that bolster the glittering movement have a trap feeling to them, but this has been softened by the smoothness of RnB. It is a really delicate melody that brings a slow sense of understanding and awakening that perfectly matches the journey of the vocals. As the single progresses, there is a swirl of bright golden light that mixes into the roll of the beats, adding a new texture to the single. While the melody draws you into the journey of the single, it is more a platform for the vocals to shine than a focal point.

Ralph’s vocals bring a heavier touch of RnB as she slides in over the trap-inspired beats. There is a feeling of being lost in her performance in the first verse and the sense that you are being left behind by a higher power. This turns into a call to this power that has been mixed with a plea for some sign that you are still loved. While this has a rather heavy religious connotation, there is just enough ambiguity in the lyrics that makes it easy for non-religious people to connect with the sentiment. In these cases, the higher power is replaced by someone you care for who you feel no longer feels the same.

With a smooth RnB vibe, glittering overtones and a trap-inspired beat, Adri-Anne Ralph calls out with a plea to know that someone you love still loves you. The melody slowly rises into a rather spiritual journey, but acts primarily as a platform for the vocals to shine. Her performance is rich in emotion while the slight ambiguity of the lyrics transcends the rather religious inspiration of the track.

Find out more about Adri-Anne Ralph on her website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

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