
A Chat with Stephanie Rodd (06.07.24)

Embracing her passion for music at a young age, singer-songwriter Stephanie Rodd recalls that it’s her “preferred way of expressing herself…” Born and raised in France, her music is filled with the charm of the French, the attitude of the Italians, and the intimacy of English pop; all in all, it’s a diverse melting pot of sound executed with soulful ease. We speak with Stephanie Rodd about her EP Recovered, collaboration, how many shoes she owns, and much more.

OSR: You recently released your EP Recovered, what can you tell us about it? Is there a theme or backstory?

Rodd: A few years ago, I went through a difficult time, and in Recovered I share how I overcame it and what helped me through it. I talk about self-acceptance and confidence, explaining how I became stronger and learned to love myself. I also discuss the things that make me happy today. My goal was to convey a positive message of personal growth.

OSR: I see you’ve collaborated a couple of times with previous work like ‘It’s Gonna Be Alright’. What are the pros and cons of collaborating?

Rodd: I really enjoy collaborating because it lets me explore styles I wouldn’t have considered on my own and combines different perspectives, skills, and ideas, making the final result really interesting. It can be challenging to coordinate different styles, and I find it harder to speak up when I don’t like something since it’s not just my project. But overall, it’s a fun and rewarding experience.

OSR: What was the most exciting and the most challenging thing about creating Recovered?

Rodd: Creating music is always interesting and fun. Recovered was also like therapy for me, a way to express what I needed to say. Writing was a relief, and watching melodies and lyrics that were once just in my head come to life was really exciting. I couldn’t wait to share this EP with others.

The biggest challenge, I think, was finding my musical style. I experimented with different directions, which led to a mix of styles on this EP. At first, I was leaning towards folk, but the producer thought my voice suited soul or jazz better, so we went in that direction. I love soul, jazz, and pop music, and I’m planning to stick with these styles for my future projects.

OSR: What do you hope people take from your music?

Rodd: I hope that people who listen to my music and relate to my story will feel better and less alone. I hope my music will make them smile, help them learn to love themselves, gain confidence and become stronger.

OSR: What do you take from your music?

Rodd: My music is a deeply personal journey for me. It allows me to express my emotions and experiences, to connect with others.

OSR: If you could change anything about Recovered, what would it be and why?

Rodd: I like Recovered as it is, but if I were to do it again, I might have focused more on one consistent style for all the tracks, to keep it more cohesive. But since it was my first project, I wanted to explore and see what worked best. On the bright side, at least there’s something for everyone’s taste. 🙂

OSR: What do you enjoy most about being a musician?

Rodd: I’ve always loved singing since I was a child. It’s my preferred way of expressing myself – I’d rather sing than talk. 🙂 But it’s also a means of escaping and creating; that’s the power of music. And, of course, there’s the thrill of performing on stage and connecting with people.

OSR: Do you consider yourself a trusting person?

Rodd: I tend to be cautious about trusting others. I believe in their kindness, but I like to take the time to really get to know someone before fully trusting them.

OSR: How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Rodd: I think this is the first time someone has asked me that, haha. 😄
I’m not very materialistic; I enjoy buying new clothes, but I mostly shop for second-hand items and sell my own in return. When it comes to shoes, I probably have about 9 pairs, but I hardly wear 5 of them, so I should really get rid of those. 🙂 I prefer not to keep things that I don’t use.
Well, now you probably know more than you asked for, haha.

OSR: What can we expect from Stephanie Rodd in the future?

Rodd: I’d like to do some gigs to perform my EP live, and I’m also interested in collaborating with other artists, although nothing’s confirmed yet. I’m currently working on new tracks that are expected to be out by the end of the year.

OSR: Do you have a message for our readers?

Rodd: I want to thank everyone who has supported me and continues to do so. For those discovering me through this interview, I hope my music brings them smiles and comfort. Feel free to reach out to me on social media; I always enjoy connecting with others. And to those who have been following my journey so far, I hope you’ll continue with me on this adventure.

Many thanks to Stephanie Rodd for speaking with us. For more from Stephanie Rodd, check out her official website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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