
A Chat with Sophie Lilah (25.07.24)

While singer-songwriter Sophie Lilah may not have reached the age of 20, her sound oozes sophistication, maturity and a polished elegance far exceeding her young years. Blending elements of indie-pop with soft folk tenderness, this songstress captivates audiences with a simplistic harmony. We speak with Sophie Lilah about her single ‘Content But I Find’, upcoming EP Fear/Instinct, and much more.

OSR: First of all, your latest single ‘Content But I Find’, you said yourself, was borne from you trying to process a recent friendship falling apart. Do you find song writing a cathartic exercise?

Sophie Lilah: Yes definitely!  I always have so much more clarity and relief about issues in my life after writing a song about it.

OSR: How did you approach writing the new single?

Sophie Lilah: When I was writing ‘Content but I Find’ I told myself it would just be a song I would keep to myself and not release. I often do this to trick myself into being really honest and not worry about what people will think, however, I always end up releasing them anyway.

OSR: How did it feel to have ‘Dreamland’ be so well received?

Sophie Lilah: The feedback from ‘Dreamland’ was so overwhelming and encouraging! It felt amazing that people appreciated the track and loved it as much as I do!

OSR: Did you consciously go for a different sound, to keep it fresh?

Sophie Lilah: No, it wasn’t a decision I consciously made. The songs just turned out very different because they are about different things and are expressing different emotions. All the songs on the upcoming EP have a unique sound from each other! 

OSR: What can you tell me about your upcoming EP? What can we expect?

Sophie Lilah: Expect some long songs and overarching themes of love, yearning and questioning.

OSR: The title Fear/Instinct is very interesting. Where did that come from?

Sophie Lilah: The title represents when you have a bad feeling about something and you’re not sure if it is your instinct guiding you not to do something or you’re just scared. I’m not sure if that makes sense to anyone else, it’s just something I always found myself questioning as a very awkward and anxious teenager.

OSR: What was the biggest source of inspiration for the new EP?

Sophie Lilah: Fear/Instinct was inspired by experiences and emotions I went through in high school. I have always been quite dramatic and felt things intensely, so it was easy to write these songs over the last few years.

OSR: Who would you consider to be your biggest influence musically?

Sophie Lilah: I would consider Clairo to be my biggest influence musically and from a songwriting perspective. Jeff Buckley has also influenced the music in this EP.

OSR: Other than music, what else are you passionate about?

Sophie Lilah: I love visual arts and love studying and learning new things. 

OSR: o, 2024 is shaping up to be a great year for you with your releases, what can we expect following the release of Fear/Instinct?

Sophie Lilah: I would love to record and release an album next year! I have ten songs written and planned for an album, so look out for that in 2025!

Many thanks to Sophie Lilah for speaking with us. Find out more about Sophie Lilah on her Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

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