A Chat with Samfire (28.02.25)
Brimming with cinematic, ethereal vibes locked in a moving alternative pop tune, singer-songwriter Samfire can win your heart with a single dreamy beat. We speak with Samfire about her new single ‘Muse’, upcoming EP Edge of Everything, future plans, inspiration and more.
OSR: Taking your name from the samphire that grows along the coast was an interesting choice. You said that the natural drama of the coast captures the essence of the music you want to create. Does nature still play a big role in your creative process?
Samfire: To me singing and the sea are uniquely linked as the two things that make me feel free, childish and happy. The name ‘Samfire’ is a constant reminder of that, of why I’m doing this. Whilst I’ve spent a while now exploring and experimenting with my songwriting, the name ‘Samfire’ grounds me in the place it all began and the reasons I write at all.
OSR: I really enjoy ‘Muse’, where did your inspiration come from for the track?
Samfire: ‘Muse’ was inspired, like most of my songs, by a surge of feeling. I was angry and pained, feeling unwell and frustrated by my body’s limitations. This was injected into the verses of the song. But it is, at its heart, a sort of alternative love song, expressing how the person I love can bring me relief when I’m feeling my worst. In it, you get the sorry-for-herself girl who wrote it without filter or change. There is no need to dig too deep, I chose to keep it simple and raw. But I love the songs confidence, honesty and messiness, something that runs through all the songs on my EP.
OSR: The way you woven three very unique influences in to one track intrigued me, I could really pick out The Last Dinner Party, Kate Bush and Charli XCX in there. Who else has been a big influence on your work?
Samfire: That’s cool, thank you! If I focus in on songwriting influences I have my greats who are the people who inspired me to do this and who I’ve carried with me ever since: Lana Del Rey, Kate Bush, FKA Twigs, Caroline Rose, Mazzy Star, Florence and the Machine. But I keep adding to that list. Some artists I’ve become obsessed with in the last few years include Alexandra Savior, Etta Marcus and Samia.
OSR: What can we expect from your upcoming EP Edge of Everything?
Samfire: The Edge of Everything is about the pursuit of love and the leap of faith that comes with it. The EP’s title evokes the risks and the rush that comes from falling into the chaos of life. There’s romance, passion, music and mess. Through this, the EP explores control and the struggles I’ve had accepting my total lack of it.
It has 6 songs, 4 are out and you can listen to them now, then there’s 2 more to go. ‘Cold Hands’ releases on 23rd March and then ‘Happy’ (the final track) is out on 9th May. I’ll do a gig to celebrate the full release though I haven’t chosen when or where yet so that will all be announced at some point in the future
OSR: Do you feel you’ve changed at all as an artist since Possible Strangers?
Samfire: Massively! I’ve done a lot of exploring. I’ve had to. Songwriting is not something I’ve done my whole life. It’s a more recent discovery that has both transformed me and dislodged me. My first two EPs reflect that, varied and reactionary. I think with The Edge of Everything I’ve started to settle a little. To show a bit more confidence. It’s the final stepping stone to me finally understanding what I want Samfire to be about. I think they are all part of the story and I love artists who allow you to see that. They may not be what people think of when they hear my music in the future, but if you line them up and listen it all kind of makes sense.
OSR: Beyond the EP, what else do you have planned this year?
Samfire: I want to start working on new music soon. I’ve been sitting on it for a while and feel really good about it. I just want to make sure I do the songs justice and make them make them when the time’s right. So this year, my focus is really on my audience. I have enough songs out in the world for now, so I just want to build a relationship with people who like my music and I’ll take it from there.
OSR: Having already played the introducing stage at Latitude last year, you’re already familiar with big events. Do you have any dream festivals you’d like to play and why?
Samfire: Honestly, any festival is a privilege to play and would fill me with so much excitement. Latitude will always be a special one as my first and so close to home. Glastonbury is another dream. I went the summer after I graduated, a time when I was desperately searching an identity, something to say when people asked me about myself. It was always a question I had struggled with because I lacked the courage to say what I actually wanted. At Glastonbury, I was just like fuck it, I want to sing.
OSR: Which acts would love to share a stage with?
Samfire: I’m yet to see Florence and the Machine live but I’m desperate to and have watched a million videos. I would be so fascinated to get some insight into them as a band and their process because they’re unbelievable. There are so many though. I feel like every time I see an artist I love I have a little fantasy about supporting them one day.
OSR: Are there any up-and-coming acts on the circuit you’d like show some love to?
Samfire: Oooh yes. I mentioned Etta Marcus earlier, she’s amazing. I love her songwriting, her voice, her whole vibe is gorgeous. Gia Ford is a more recent discovery. I think she’s awesome and deserve a load more listeners.
OSR: Finally, I’d just like to reiterate how much I enjoy ‘Muse’ and I look forward to hearing Edge of Everything. I will be delving into your back catalogue, which piece from your past are you most proud of and why?
Samfire: Thank you so much! That’s a tough one. My relationship with each song changes over time. ‘The Edge of Everything’ (title song on the EP) is definitely a special one. It was the first I wrote on the EP and is inspired by three conversations with people I love. It just felt more confident and open that anything I had written before. It inspired this whole EP and was a big leap for me songwriting wise.
Find out more about Samfire on her official website, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Spotify.
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