
A Chat with Post Death Soundtrack (12.05.24)

Wrapping listeners in a psychedelic haze of scorching guitars, bold bass and powerful drums laden with kaleidoscopic ferocity, Post Death Soundtrack reach the “untamed plains of the subconscious” in their unique music. We speak with the inimitable singer-songwriter Stephen Moore about Post Death Soundtrack’s new album, what music means to him, future plans and more.

OSR: Cliché but how did Post Death Soundtrack come about? What drew all of you to music?

Moore: Post Death Soundtrack started with me (Stephen Moore) and Kenneth Buck in 2006. We were both playing in heavy rock/metal bands at the time (Inner Surge and Red Switch) and were close friends who wanted to explore a more industrial and trip-hop-fueled experimental project. The first album was quite industrial and Skinny Puppy-influenced. The 2nd album became much more psychedelic. On the 3rd album, the project was a duo of myself and Jon Ireson, and Kenneth had moved on. We adopted a heavy industrial sound but started to incorporate more doom-metal elements. Then, on the 4th album, we dictated the electronic aspects and went full grunge doom.

OSR: You recently released your studio album Veil Lifter. What can you tell us about it?

Moore: This is a heavy, uncensored album that we’re very proud of. It’s the album I’ve always wanted to make since first hearing albums like In Utero and Dirt. I would describe the album as In Utero mashed together with doom and sludge metal. Thematically, it delves deep into depression, as I always found it refreshing when artists covered this in a clear way.

OSR: Do you think Veil Lifter is a good representation of where you are as a band and your current sound?

Moore: Absolutely. I have my own unique vocal and guitar style, but it’s a mish-mash of grunge, thrash, hardcore punk, punk rock, rock and roll, doom and sludge metal. When you throw all that together, what comes out is something original.

OSR: What do you hope people take from Veil Lifter?

Moore: I hope they get inspired and call their Mom 😄 But really, I hope people feel inspired and stood up for, understood, and like they have someone out there who goes through what they might be going through. I hope they feel energised and vindicated.

OSR: What does music mean to you?

Moore: Like many people, music made me feel brave and like I had a home in this world. When I was getting bullied and intimidated in junior high, I turned to Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Cypress Hill, and Guns n’ Roses, and they became my heroes for that kindness. I’ll never forget it, and my way of paying back that kindness is to try to write great work now and inspire others.

OSR: Which song do you find yourself singing in the shower?

Moore: Rod Stewart – ‘Do Ya Think I’m Sexy’ (my Dad’s favourite song).

OSR: Do you have a moment in your life you wish you could relive?

Moore: Sitting at the top of the canyon in Kauai, Hawaii, was very powerful and serene. There are also moments in my life I wish I could remove!

OSR: What’s your opinion on social media?

Moore: It’s useful as a tool, but don’t overdo it.

OSR: What can we expect from Post Death Soundtrack in the future?

Moore: More albums and collaborations with Casey Lewis. I have over 500 song ideas in a Dropbox folder ready to go.

OSR: Do you have a message for our readers?

Moore: Our album is FREE on Bandcamp so give it a download!

Many thanks to Stephen Moore for speaking with us. For more from Post Death Soundtrack, check out their official website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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