A Chat with Outside Now (07.07.23)
Drawing together the broad talents and influences of their musicians, Outside Now is an almost undefinable fivesome from Manchester. We speak with rhythm guitarist Clayton James about Outside Now’s album Dream House, What music means to him, future plans and more.
I met George Richards (lead guitar) through our original singer/my ex-girlfriend. Peter Hartley (bass) responded to a Gumtree ad around summer 2021. He said he was impressed by the bizarre sound and wanted in. Aisha Toussaint (singer) sauntered into my life through the open mic scene in central Manchester.
I had the rough outline for the album and was trying to put a band together in tandem. It can be interpreted as nothing short of divine providence that all of the right people just drifted together. I already had this relatively well-defined proof of concept that I would send to prospective people, and I was pretty clear that we wouldn’t just be doing two-chord vamps; that it’s heady stuff, hanging over the precipice of pretentiousness. So, like moths to flames, it drew in people who also wanted to make outlandish, uncompromising music.
So, I decided to start with ‘Dream House’ as I had just written ‘I Keep Falling’, which is about falling asleep on the train home from work; and that jarring, falling feeling when you suddenly bolt up. I thought, at the time, I’ll use this as the centrepiece to build the rest of the album around. I also felt it was a good place to start as, in my mind, all art is dreams fundamentally. It starts in the mind and we’re just extracting our dreams onto canvas or tape or whatever your medium is. So, we start the series with dreams as the proof of concept, then we can move on from there.
There are musical motifs sprinkled throughout the whole thing but that I’ll leave for the music nerds to exhaustively excavate. Lyrically, and this is where you ask me to explain the hyper-modernist, autobiographical fever dream, there’s a lot going on. It’s pretty dark. We start in the realm of the fantastical, with ‘Follow The Slope Down’ being quite an oblique reference to things like Alice in Wonderland, Dante’s Inferno or anything where the main character descends into the otherworld. Until we hit the ‘Nadir’. We’re still in this haze of dreamy imagery, but maybe it’s occurred to you by now that we seem to keep pining or longing for something, something we’ve already lost, something unattainable.
I’ve said I think this album is primarily about failure. Even the title ‘Dream House’ is me kind of mocking myself and everyone else. Your dream house is something you’ll never afford, something that is becoming ever increasingly a pipe dream. I like playing with juxtaposition, even so far as opening an album you’d think would be about the night, with birds chirping and the title referring to the sun rising. The album quickly slides from cartoonish, nightmarish imagery into the very real and mundane as exemplified in things like ‘Another Day’. Your waking life is the nightmare. We’re all sleepwalking in a post-modern malaise of unreality. Whether you’re asleep on the train or glued to your phone. Night, day. What’s the difference? ‘Overlooked, Overseen’ is juxtaposition again, lyrically the densest song, probably my favourite, and the most savage. I slip in dealings with my own frustrations as a musician, but mostly it’s about our atomisation. Feeling utterly alone despite us all being, on paper, more “connected” than ever. They’re always watching and listening for their own nefarious reasons, but you can’t tease anyone out of the hole in your hand.

Staying on the theme of juxtaposition: with ‘I Keep Falling’ and songs like ‘Another Day’, I like to take something really mundane, like riding the train home from working my dreadfully dull office job, and turn it into this resplendent musical epic.
‘Last Orders’ is kind of tacked on at the end. The album proper ends with ‘Recklessly Enchanted’, which is mainly ‘Wheeling Empire Bright’ being played in reverse, followed by a very soft, low guitar part playing ‘Dream House’ in reverse. I had envisioned ‘ Last Orders’ as the “I want” song from a musical, like ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’, but here I want to drink myself to oblivion because I’ve lost everything and what’s the point? ‘Nowhere over the rainbow’.
I didn’t come up with the title ‘Bridget, It’s Too Far to Jump’, that bit of wordplay came from one of my best friends. This is from when we were in a band together when were like sixteen. He gave all our songs these oh-so-clever titles like ‘It’s Not Revolution It’s Just a Turn on The Wheel’. He just offhandedly mentioned ‘Bridget, It’s Too Far to Jump’ to me once and it stuck with me. Then, when I wrote the actual song, nearly a decade ago now, I was reading the Aeneid at the time and the lyrics were inspired by the part of the story where Dido took her own life after Aeneas departs. My friend was a huge Dylan fanboy and I think I’ve forever internalised the same penchant for meandering, referential, over-intellectualised lyrics.
But honestly, I just needed to start this journey somewhere and besides ‘Bridget, It’s Too Far to Jump’ and ‘Last Orders’ which I had written back in 2014-2015, everything else is just stuff I was kicking around at the time. It’s hard to describe the actual process of it coming together without going into granular detail about the influences and ideas behind each piece. These things tend to just fall out of the sky while you’re in a trance. I just happen to have an amazing network of people around me, so you take these skeletal ideas and have a dozen or so exceptional musical minds all working towards creating something lavish and grand.
But it’s easy, you have a math rock drummer, a contemporary, jazz-obsessed bassist, a vocalist who loves Beyonce with a background in singing choral music, a versatile soloist who looks up to people like Jeff Beck and Steve Howe, and a rhythm guitarist with jazz sensibilities trying to cram all those inspirations and more into complex but accessible pop music. People have told us that our music is hard to define in terms of genre, which is the best compliment anyone could give us. The idea of sticking to a genre is drab and stultifying. Surely we can move past such crude notions.
People are busy, and sometimes you get things later than you would hope; but that’s a far better experience than I’ve had with other previous bands where everyone, including myself, is completely strung out on drugs and alcohol, just wants an excuse to party and nothing of any substance gets done. We’re all relatively sober professionals here.
James: Easily the worst advice I ever received is don’t record a song you can’t perform live. My uncle said this to me and I couldn’t disagree more. The performability of any given piece is a matter of resources. If I had my way we’d have an orchestra, pianist, backing singers, a dazzling visual display, instruments sprawled out all over the stage. We’d be doing Roger Waters, minus all his cringy boomerisms. We don’t perform ‘I Keep Falling’ live simply because it sounds a bit empty with just five people. That doesn’t mean we can’t do it in the future at some point. I am not concerned in the slightest whether any given piece we record is “performable”. We may record songs and never perform them as long as we live. There’s a false equivalence being drawn here between watching a band live and listening to a recorded piece of music. We have a setlist that is crafted for performance by the five of us, where we are, now.
Best advice? Probably that you should just be happy with being about 80% satisfied with your work and move on. A discipline that is hard to manifest. Everyone is a perfectionist and here we’re trying to take these temples we construct in our head and translate them into actuality. I said me and Dan have been playing together now for maybe seven years, and it’s taken us this long to release anything. I think that’s mainly due to never being satisfied, being overly pedantic, and constantly wanting to rework things. Dream House is our first release and is, undoubtedly, a little rough around the edges, as you’d expect, but you take those lessons and move on. You’ll never get anything exactly as you want it, and trying to will only bring on stagnation and frustration. That advice is the reason I’m talking to you now.

OSR: If you could rid the world of disease, what would it be?
James: I’d rather not be drawn into a discussion on the efficacy of positive or negative eugenics in this magazine article about a quaint little band from up North. I am at peace and oneness with the world, including the toenail fungus, conjoined twins and the malignant tumours the size of grapefruits. I’d say dementia at a push. Forgetting yourself; your loved ones having to watch you deteriorate into a ghost; for someone to have their own mother look back at them like a stranger is a sadness I can scarcely fathom.
OSR: What is your favourite day of the week?
James: Thursday. The coming weekend is nothing but potential, it hasn’t yet been pissed up the wall. Friday will be easy and, in Eccles, Thursday means jam night.
OSR: What can we expect from Outside Now in the future??
James: Oodles. Our next release will be a cover of ‘The Thrill is Gone’, the jazz standard, not the B.B. King song. That should be ready within the next couple of months. I’d originally intended on putting it on the album; but decided I wanted ‘Bridget, It’s Too Far to Jump’ to really stand out, and it otherwise disrupted the ordering and pacing. Our second album Light House is well underway and we should be ready to start the release process by winter/spring. Dream House was really a rough proof of concept, Light House will be us having heavily refined our process. It doesn’t deviate massively from the style and tone set by Dream House, we’ll be collaborating with more or less the same people, but it does have its own motifs and secrets to pick through, and I think it’s already shaping up to be a step well above the first album sonically and in terms of the writing.
We’re currently preparing for a Tiny Desk-esque recording of a thirty-minute live set that I imagine we’ll do in the next couple of months. Give people an idea of what we sound like live.
The biggest thing for me right now, while we finish Light House, is writing what will be the third album. Aisha has been getting me into Olivia Dean and George has been getting me into The Police and Sting’s solo stuff. As much as I try to bring the best out of every member of the band, they also bring the best out in me, and right now they’re taking my writing in some very interesting directions. So, the third album will be the first time we’ll have written the majority of it in the rehearsal room while refining our live set. It’ll be a much jazzier, poppier affair while retaining the operatic, grand scope and that melancholic whimsy that is infused into, not just ours, but a lot of British music.
OSR: Do you have a message for our readers?
James: All I’d ask is for anyone with a broad palate to give us a try. If you’re into jazz, dream-pop, shoegaze, grunge, post-punk (what an awful term), 60s psychedelia, 70s prog, and space rock, we’ve got something for you. We were really testing the waters here to see what works. I’d ask that if you like our music you support us in these endeavours but, as of now, there’s no way to do that monetarily, so please just follow us on this adventure and support us if and when that becomes an option.
Many thanks to Clayton James for speaking with us! For more from Outside Now, check out their Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.
This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator