
A Chat with Odelet (14.04.24)

Artistry personified, singer-songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer Odelet ignites a passion for music in all our hearts. Hailing from the USA, Detroit to be exact, her unique blend of jazz, soul, RnB, hip hop and art pop blurs the lines of genres into something special. We speak with Odelet about her new album Pisces Pie, what music means to her, upcoming plans and fictional characters.

OSR: Why did you decide to become a musician? What drew you to music?

Odelet: I think I knew I was an artist straight outta the womb, lol. I’ve always been a super creative person. Always into everything and anything arts and crafts related. I love being wrapped up in creating. I think the decision was made pretty early on and just got so reinforced. Music became a calling.

OSR: What inspires you to make music?

Odelet: Life.

OSR: You have recently released your album Pisces Pie. What can you tell us about the album? Is there a backstory or theme to it?

Odelet: In many ways, it’s a love letter to myself… but it’s also a love letter to jazz and hip hop. 

OSR: What were the most exciting and most challenging aspects of creating Pisces Pie?

Odelet: The biggest challenge doubled as the most exciting. The writing and recording of Pisces Pie took place while being snowed in for 6 months last winter. The weather decided studio time since the cabin ran off solar. Fortunately, I love homesteading.

OSR: What do you hope people take from the album and your music in general?

Odelet: Soothing, calming, catharsis, a sensation of being transported to a softer more dreamlike state of being.

OSR: What does music mean to you?

Odelet: Music feeds the soul and sets a whole tone.

OSR: As an artist, you must have faced challenges along your musical journey. What challenges have you encountered and how did you overcome them?

Odelet: I’m going for happy every day, I love feeling lighthearted in the world! I feel most inspired creatively from a stance of enjoying the process and feeling eager about my life. 

OSR: What makes you unique as a musician and person?

Odelet: Maybe that question is best answered by the project itself. One thing’s for certain, I always put my heart and soul into it.  

OSR: What fictional character would you most like to be friends with?

Odelet: Totoro.

OSR: What can we expect from Odelet in the future?

Odelet: Actually, a third album was all written and in place just prior to a bit of rerouting when Hufflepuff / Pisces Pie was born. I anticipate exponential growth when it comes to my body of work, I have the most fun thinking about it!

OSR: Do you have a message for our readers?

Odelet: Resistance is futile. 

Many thanks to Odelet for speaking with us! For more from Odelet, check out her official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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