
A Chat with Judas Goat & The Bellwether (10.06.24)

Drawing together their natural musical talent, Somerset musicians Pete Vincent (multi-instrumentalist) and Sara Vian (vocals) bring a unique folk-rock tone as Judas Goat & The Bellwether. We speak with the UK-based pair about their new single ‘There Is Always A Dawn’, what music means to them, fantasy worlds and much more!

OSR: You recently released your single ‘There Is Always A Dawn’. What can you tell us about it? 

Vian: It’s a song inspired by the dark satanic mills in Blake’s poem, ‘Jerusalem’, as an entry into The Climates Songwriting competition and tackles the issue of fossil fuels, which drove the industrial revolution but it’s gone too far now. 

OSR: In your press release you mention that the single “is a call to rise up and not fight the darkness but light up the darkness…” Can you elaborate on that? I mean, what is the core message behind that concept; how can we light up the darkness? 

Vian: Have you seen the film Amazing Grace?  Slavery was an accepted norm until William Wilberforce got the law passed in parliament, using brain not brawn so I guess I’m just talking about using art for social justice to get people thinking and expand people’s awareness to create a better world rather than getting angry with people who just cannot see what you can – or something like that.

OSR: So, how did Judas Goat & The Bellwether come together, and how did you come up with the band name? 

Vian: I just got talking to Pete about the phenomenon of the Judas goat, which is a real thing where goats get trained to befriend sheep in abattoirs and then lead them to their slaughter, often being rewarded with tobacco so they have addiction issues too and Pete, being a bit of a punk, thought it would be a good band name and after thinking about it for a bit, I thought it would be a good platform for face the darker subjects in life which Pete brings to the table with his moody chord changes and then shed a bit of light and hope on them – as we have done with the topic of our debut single.   

OSR: Based on streaming sites, ‘There Is Always A Dawn’ is your debut single. What do you feel this track says about Judas Goat & The Bellwether? Is it a good representation of your sound and what to expect in the future? 

Vian: Yes, we’ve got about five songs in this style ready to go, featuring Pete’s particular strangely attractive “guitar goodness”. 

Vincent: I’d say it is pretty representative, at the moment we have a few more ballad-y numbers and another more Krautrock/Patti Smith-inspired one, but we record pretty clean without much trickery, so it all sounds like “us” I think. 

OSR: What does music mean to you? 

Vian: Even though I’ve always loved music and it’s been a way out of boredom, it became a particular tool of survival for me after my sister died in a car accident in 1989; it connects me with my soul and songwriting also helps me work through emotional challenges. 

OSR: What do you hope people take from your music? 

Vian: I hope people get from our music what I am always looking for in music – to be touched or excited and want to play it over and over again, go and see the band and wear their t-shirt!!!  I’ve also received timely wisdom from lyrics on the odd occasion so if we can inspire folk and make their world a bit more bearable then great! 

Vincent: To invoke any kind of positive reaction, be it physical or emotional, is the goal for me.  

OSR: Random questions: what is the biggest risk you have ever taken? 

Vian: Playing with “Dangerous Pete”! 

Vincent: Making music with Sara!  But perhaps not in the same way as she means! I’ve been involved in making music for 33 years now and this is the first time I’ve worked with anyone new in about 24 years, and the first time where it’s me doing the bulk of the instrument playing and initial arrangements; I’m normally the bassist or lending a few simple guitar lead lines. It’s new but very rewarding, if not sometimes daunting territory for me!!! 

OSR: What part of your identity do you believe will never change? 

Vian: Hmmm… I’d like to think my soul will always be at my core even if I get dementia or something.

Vincent:  I hope my sense of humour!

OSR: If you could live in any fantasy world, like Hogwarts or Gotham, where would you go? 

Vian: Well funny you should say that but when I first came up with our bio I called us the “dynamic duo” and Pete pointed out that that was Batman and Robin so maybe Gotham City or can we create our own fantasy world?  If so, I’d like to go and live in a rock ‘n’ roll pad in LA with a swimming pool and recording studio and lots of beautiful, talented (and probably a bit dangerous) people around me! 

OSR: What can we expect from Judas Goat & The Bellwether in the future? 

Vian: We’re hoping to record an EP/album and maybe take it on the road… 

Vincent: Ditto plus maybe having a play with some fun remixing ideas. 

OSR: Do you have a message for our readers? 

Vian: Life is short so draw a line under anything that is holding you back, be grateful for every small blessing and create a good life for yourself and the common good! 

Vincent: Love Life, Live, Love 

Many thanks to Sara Vian and Pete Vincent for speaking with us! For more from Judas Goat & The Bellwether, check out their Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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