
A Chat with Final Thirteen (12.08.24)

Like sonic shots of tequila, Final Thirteen’s music will rattle about your brain, send shivers along your spine, coarse through your veins, and leave you feeling slightly giddy… but a good giddy. Hailing from North Ireland, Ax (lead vocalist), JD (guitar and vocals), and Doobes (drums and vocals) are carving a niche in the alternative rock scene with their fusion of metal, rock and indie. We speak with the talented trio about their debut single ‘Why You Sacrifice Me’, achievements, memorable gigs and more.

OSR: Cliché, but how did Final Thirteen come about? What drew you all to music and each other?

Ax: I guess we all needed something but, like, really needed, where that need is so strong it’s a survival instinct y’know? It was J.D. who brought us all together and it just worked. It all happened so fast, it’s still happening like that.

OSR: You are about to release your debut single ‘Why You Sacrifice Me’. What can you tell us about it?

Ax: What can I tell you about it… it’s a strong song, but it’s an emotional song too. It’s a rallying cry, and hopefully a fun surprise for a lot of people. We recently heard from a fan that they were singing along to it dancing on top of their bed in their room, and that made me so happy. That’s the experience I want people to have with it, but to hear that… that’s a real gift.

OSR: You released an official music video for ‘Why You Sacrifice Me’. What can you tell us about the video – the best and worst bits of production, any challenges you had, etc?

JD: We really wanted to showcase Belfast in our video, both Doobes and I are Belfast natives, it’s a city we all love. As for difficulties, we had zero. We had a great production team around us and throughout the process, it’s like all three of us were in sync, we all just gelled and loved all of each other’s ideas

OSR: The video is a black-and-white one. Does this have any particular significance or was it just opting for black and white instead of technicolour?

JD: We felt the black and white really set the tone for the song, and also we felt that as much as we all love our city, that really it is behind the times in comparison to other major European capital cities and in that way black and white seemed fitting.

OSR: You already have a reputation for high-energy, powerful shows. What is your most memorable gig and why that one?

Ax: To date… oooh, well funny enough you should say that about our high energy gigs because I’d have to say, for me, we did a gig for a music festival in Belfast, however when we got there we were on this small wooden raised stage. It was up super high over the bar, and so Doobes had to go acoustic, there was no room for a kit. I was wearing this red long swirly dress and the gig was giving me MTV Unplugged vibes, and just jazz clubs, red wine, and coffee, you know that feeling? It was the first time we did the songs acoustic and they came out so stunning, just gorgeous sound. It was a real surprise, that was super fun to feel the music like that.

OSR: How would you describe Final Thirteen to someone who has not heard of the band before?

Doobes: Energetically infused rock and indie with a sprinkle of metal.

OSR: What is the biggest risk you have ever taken?

Doobes: The band, putting myself out there performing and releasing music I had written was very daunting.

OSR: What is your opinion on tattoos and piercings?

JD: Funny you should ask, I’m a professional tattoo artist and piercer, with very little bare skin left. I can’t get enough of them.

OSR: What is your greatest achievement and it doesn’t have to be music-related.

Doobes: Finding myself again and getting back to me again.

OSR: What can we expect from Final Thirteen in the future?

Ax: Fun. I don’t think people will expect our sound, it will always be a surprise I think. Just great music, rock ‘n’ roll, and of course, entertainment. *big voice* ARE YOU ENTERTAAAAIIIINED?!

OSR: Do you have a message for our readers? 

Doobes: Never give up on your dreams, it’s never too late.

Many thanks to Ax, JD and Doobes for speaking with us. Find out more about Final Thirteen on their official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

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