
A Chat with Erik Hansen (13.05.24)

Known for his work with the group Fallen Angels, singer-songwriter Erik Hansen sets out on a solo project to share his powerful rock sound with the masses. Showcasing Hansen’s natural talent and passion for music, his soulful sounds ignite a love for music in all listeners. We speak with the US-based artist about his debut EP Seasons of the Wind, what music means to him, stress-reducing techniques and much more!

OSR: Why did you decide to pursue a music career?

Hansen: Being exposed to rock music at such a young age must have really put a bug in my ear. Since my dad is a guitar player, we had guitars around for me to play on. Once I started getting more competent on the guitar, I noticed how much I really enjoyed just playing and feeling the frequencies come alive through the speakers. It was very electric and I have kept wanting to experience that feeling. I feel I have my own style and approach to guitar playing/songwriting and I have plenty I want to play/say.

OSR: What does music mean to you?

Hansen: Music is kind of like a heartbeat to our emotions, it brings us in all directions and lets us feel something when we need it the most.

OSR: You recently released your EP Seasons of the Wind. What can you tell us about the EP?

Hansen: It’s my attempt at showcasing all the different styles of music and guitar playing that I’m interested in. I tried to approach it with the intent that I wanted to take the listener on a bit of a journey through different soundscapes and themes. So I mixed in uptempo rock with acoustic songs and more epic-sounding songs. The lyrics all come from me just pondering on life and the lives we all live.

OSR: As part of a band and a solo artist, what are the drawbacks and benefits of being a solo artist?

Hansen: In a band, there’s hopefully a common interest and goal to surround yourselves with so if everyone is motivated there’s a group effort to get things done. Being a solo artist I have to carry more of the load myself so it takes more work but then again I don’t have to negotiate a bunch of other personalities so it’s a give-and-take in both directions.

OSR: What do you hope people take from Seasons of the Wind?

Hansen: That there’s still musicians out here writing rock music in an old school kind of vibe and to not let themselves be dragged down by all the negativity of life. Just experience it and all it has to offer.

OSR: If you had to change one thing about Seasons of the Wind, what would it be?

Hansen: I could do the vocals better, I had never sung like that before on a recording so it was a little bit of a challenge for me to find my balance. I learned a lot from doing it and became a better singer as a result so I’ll just take the experience and apply it to the next one.

OSR: What’s the best way you’ve found to calm yourself when you get stressed?

Hansen: Focusing on breathing, there’s lots of different methods. Box breathing can work quite well. Breath is so important when it comes to many things: singing, sports, mindset. Too often we don’t listen to our bodies and what they’re doing when we are stressed so if we can focus on that and get to a more regulated rhythm, you’ll usually feel better.

OSR: I don’t know if you binge-watch TV shows, but if you do which show would you binge?

Hansen: I haven’t watched much TV in recent years, I constantly am working on things that I just keep myself too busy. The last series I saw in its entirety was Game of Thrones I would meet up with some friends and we’d watch it on the release night.

OSR: What can we expect from Erik Hansen in the future?

Hansen: I’m currently working on trying to get a show set up here in the Seattle area and to start playing live on a semi-regular basis. I’m also working on new material and have tentative plans to start recording this next winter.

OSR: . Do you have a message for our readers?

Hansen: To never give up and keep punching higher. This life is a bumpy road but with perseverance and dedication, you can achieve so much.

Many thanks to Erik Hansen for speaking with us. Find out more about Erik Hansen on his X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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