
A Chat with Doris (02.06.23)

Filled with hard-hitting harmonies wrapped in a dreamy soundscape with a nostalgic edginess, UK-based band Doris transports you to another world with their music. We speak with vocalist Romy Jo and guitarist Andrew Lancaster about Doris’ debut EP, what music means to them, and future plans.

OSR: What drew you to music?

Lancaster: Growing up, The Cure was my remedy.

Jo: My parents and their crazy stories of dinners with Bowie and being on the road with Neil Young; they created a fantasy world into which I wanted to dive. 

OSR: What do you hope people take from your music?

Lancaster: We hope that people can take home a melody and dance with it in their bedroom.

Jo: I agree with Andrew! We wanted to create an album that was the perfect vibe to put on in the car, road-tripping and sunny Sundays. 

OSR: What does music mean to you?

Lancaster: Music means life, fun and interpretive dance.

Jo: Yep, fun, life, memories and a beautiful way of helping navigate the massive life questions we all have. 

OSR: Does your new EP Storm Doris have a theme or backstory? What can you tell us about it?

Lancaster: The project was all about getting away from the computer screen and looking at people’s funny faces as they play.

OSR: If you could change anything about Storm Doris, what would it be and why?

Lancaster: I would stop Romy’s USA Green Card so she can’t move to LA.

Jo: I’d fly my band over to the US!!

OSR: How would you describe your music?

Lancaster: We are a shoegaze dream-pop fun London band.

OSR: Do you have any pet peeves?

Lancaster: Backing tracks (Jerry, our keyboard player wants them). Wireless leads (Max, our bass player has one). Massive pedal boards (I have one).

OSR: If you could spend the day with any person (not necessarily a musician), who would it be and why?

Lancaster: Joel Cohen to discuss Barton Fink.

Jo: Freddie Mercury – he died before I was born and that really bums me out.

OSR: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Lancaster: When in LA take Fountain.

Jo: Be nice to who you meet on the way up because you’ll never know who you’ll meet on the way down. 

OSR: Do you have future plans as a musician?

Lancaster: To not fade into obscurity.

Jo: To keep on keeping on.

OSR: Do you have a message for our readers?

Lancaster: Fading into obscurity gives us a better chance.

Many thanks to Andrew Lancaster and Romy Jo for speaking with us. For more from Doris, check out their Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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