
A Chat with Calum Ingram (24.05.24)

Catching our attention earlier this year, Calum Ingram tempted us with ‘Cup of Urafrain’ and then held us entranced with ‘The Man’ – both exciting and intriguing singles. Yet, he continues to have material to astound and astonish offering unique melodies with a twist on vintage and contemporary folk-rock. We speak with veteran musician Ingram about his new album The Man, big risks, upcoming plans and much more.

OSR: What made you decide to become a musician? What drew you to music?

Ingram: I feel I’ve always been drawn to that musical vibration that naturally brings people together. It almost feels like I’m an antenna to what the musical Cosmos and Universe want to transmit to me to create in this world.

OSR: You are about to release your album The Man. What can you tell us about it? What was the inspiration, is there a particular theme or backstory?

Ingram: Yeah, it’s a pretty simple answer – Life in all facets of the imagination.  It took me years to create this record but in a really good way, I love taking my time with music and creating and having fun. It also makes releasing it even more fun to me as I know I have released the most authentic part of me for people to experience! It’s about all kinds of things but mostly my life experience.

OSR: What do you hope people take from the album and your music?

Ingram: I hope people can find things in my music that they can really connect to and resonate with, even if their take is different from what I intended.  I actually find that a very rewarding treat almost like there was an energy that used my music to channel something through to someone I don’t know, I think that’s very beautiful.

OSR: Your music’s genre-diverse reaching from 80s pop to 70s rock, soul and amazing rock-cello moments. Why have you not chosen a particular genre and expanded from that? Do you think having such a variety of sounds is important for musicians?

Ingram: Cool question,  I don’t think about my music in genres, or boxes for any particular goal, merit or gain. Call it brave if you like, but to me, I just let my influences seep through and enjoy creating what sounds and feels good to me! Saying that, there are definitely times in the studio that I may feel like,  yeah I wanna do more of that because live that will be sick as!

OSR: If you had to introduce yourself to a new listener, which song would you recommend?

Ingram: Wow that’s probably my favourite question ever asked to me! 😛 As I love listening to records as much as playing them!

It would probably have to be ‘Big Time’ by Peter Gabriel. I think that definitely has the vibe, and I grew up loving it and feeling it! It also helped me with momentum and getting through stuff. If I had to pick one of my own off the new record It would probably have to be either ‘Show Me the Way’, ‘Strong And Alone’ or ‘Burn it Down’.

OSR: What makes you unique as an artist?

Ingram: I feel I possess a very distinct and different singing voice that definitely defines uniqueness within me, not to mention fronting my band with an electric cello that definitely would put the cherry on top! 😛 I would also say that my creative direction all around has a uniqueness to it as I have had a very interesting musical background fighting for my voice from let’s just say perhaps the stricter voices from my instrument’s origin.

OSR: If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

Ingram: Always believe in yourself and always listen to that deep gut feeling. Whenever you feel distracted, especially when you don’t feel strong, keep the faith.

OSR: What is the biggest risk you have ever taken?

Ingram: It would definitely have to be when I agreed to perform a duet with Stewart Copeland from The Police with only a cello and my voice! I was brave enough to do this as I stuck to my guns and never compensated for being 100% myself. I would tell any musician to always take risks and make art that connects and speaks truly to yourself.

OSR: Which fictional character would you want as a best friend?

Ingram: It would probably have to be Yoda from Star Wars, as he is super wise, small / easily able to tour and will keep me safe.

OSR: What can we expect from Calum Ingram in the future?

Ingram: Hmm, sometimes I don’t even know what to expect from myself. 😄 Jokes aside you can definitely expect touring/live shows and more music/fun releases! Keep your eyes and ears peeled!

OSR: Do you have a message for our readers?

Ingram: Yes!! Thank you so much for your time and checking out what I am all about! I really hope you’re all enjoying the new record and please do feel free to message me, DM me, comment on my socials about where you would like to see me play or whatever you would like to know! I love to get to know my fans/followers!

Many thanks to Calum Ingram for speaking with us! For more from Calum Ingram, check out his official website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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