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A Chat with Blunt Blade (30.09.22)

Embracing musical creativity from a young age, Blunt Blade has been singing for as long as he can remember, playing the piano at 15 and playing the drums and bass at 16. Now, he has a unique alternative rock sound to share. We speak with Blunt Blade about his self-titled debut album, superpowers and future plans.

OSR: What inspires you to make music?

Blunt Blade: There are so many things that inspire me to write. I’d say I have a strong desire to create something new. People, just by nature, are creative. We all have our own preferred ways to show our creativity whether that be through music, writing, painting, drawing, sculpting, etc. In addition, I’m often inspired by truly original musical compositions. When I hear a piece of music that really speaks to me, it fills me with the desire to create something on my own.

I really enjoy creating sounds and melodies that create a form of fulfilment only possible through a very specific feeling that I realize while listening to music.

OSR: What does music mean to you?

Blunt Blade: Other than those closest to me, music has always been the most meaningful part of my life. Ever since I was very little (3 or 4), I recognized how powerful music was to me. It fills me with such a sensation of satisfaction and pleasure. I have a strong desire to consume as much music as possible to continue to feel those emotions. It’s almost akin to an addiction, albeit a healthy one.

OSR: What can you tell us about your album Blunt Blade? Is there a backstory or theme to it?

Blunt Blade: I would categorize the album as semi-conceptual, at least in my understanding of the term. There are reoccurring themes such as searching for kindness and empathy while struggling with loss coupled with the hunger for hope and garnering the strength to overcome. Much of what I’ve written on the debut album comes from personal experiences and the will to overcome challenges. It’s a journey through a range of emotional struggles until acceptance and healing are finally reached.

OSR: What is the most exciting and least exciting thing about making music?

Blunt Blade: The most exciting is definitely when I reach the point where I realize that what I’ve written hits a specific emotional sensation. When I have an idea, lay it down, and play it back to realize that it’s something that I really like, it’s an amazing feeling. I also love the idea of attempting to come up with something that is original or unique. I get really excited when I hear a piece of music that is highly original, and the idea of being able to do the same is very exciting to me.

The least exciting is the mixing and mastering. I had the pleasure of working with an amazing engineer in the form of Eric Oehler at Submersible Studios in Madison, WI. At the point when you’re working on the mixing, you’re listening so closely to every single beat, note, effect, etc., and tweaking things out to simply fix imperfections. It seems to take forever, and by the end of it, you grow a little weary from listening to the same songs so many times. All in all, it’s worth it, though. It’s all part of the process.

OSR: What do you hope people take from Blunt Blade?

Blunt Blade: While I can’t know how these songs will be interpreted by others, my desire is that those who hear them will connect with them on an emotional level. I’ve attempted to convey that there is hope no matter what situation a person may be encountering. Most of us are not truly alone, yet we all feel that way at times. There are those around us who care about us. We just have to let them.

OSR: If you were gifted with a superpower, what would it be and why?

Blunt Blade: This might be a bit of an odd answer, but I’d love the power to be able to bring contentment and peace to others. Often issues that people have are brought about by our own anxiety, lack of self-esteem, feelings of loneliness and fear. Being able to calm our minds is very difficult for so many.

OSR: What is your greatest achievement?

Blunt Blade: I don’t know that I really have a greatest achievement. I don’t really view things I do as accomplishments. Perhaps a few decades down the road I may have a different answer there.

OSR: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take (no boats or cell phones)?

Blunt Blade: Assuming that there are no items allowed that would assist in my ability to leave the island, I’d say a solar generator, an mp3 player filled to capacity with a wide variety of music (with accompanying charging cables), and a fishing rod.

OSR: Do you have future plans for Blunt Blade?

Blunt Blade: Right now, it’s promoting the debut album like mad. But I definitely have plans to get back into the studio and record a follow-up before too long. I have a lot more to say musically and can’t wait for people to hear it.

Many thanks to Blunt Blade for speaking with us. For more from Blunt Blade check out his official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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