
A Chat with ALETHIA (07.08.24)

Known for her sultry, soulful vocals and confident stage presence, singer-songwriter ALETHIA can ensnare your senses with her natural musical talent and moving melodies. Delving into RnB, soul, blues, pop and even a bit of reggae, the Australia-based singer-songwriter offers a boundary-breaking, genre-diverse sound. We speak with ALETHIA about her self-titled debut album, taking risks, future plans and much more.

OSR: You recently released your self-titled debut album. You mention that this album is a “four-act tour guide” – can you explain this concept to us?

ALETHIA: Absolutely! ALETHIA is a concept album that tells a story of my life and a journey of love and healing that helped me get through the most difficult times. It represents four emotions and, at the same time, four different music genres. It starts with ROOTS, which includes three Pop and Latin songs in Spanish that aim to transport you to your roots and true essence, making you feel like you belong to this universe and that you are here for a reason. Then, we continue with Nostalgia, featuring three reggae/R&B songs that evoke emotions and reflections about our past, emphasizing its importance in helping us grow and connect with our purpose. After this chapter, we move to LOVE with a dub and a drum and bass tune. The first one is about self-love and self-worth, and the second one is about eros love – it’s like the cherry on top, the kind of love we express to someone we are attracted to, a love that complements us but isn’t a necessity. Lastly, HOPE is my favourite part of the album. It includes two psychedelic rock songs that share the idea of oneness, an awakening, and awareness of God or the Universe, which is our essence.

OSR: Did you face any challenges when creating the album, and if so, how did you overcome them?

ALETHIA: There were a few moments when I thought, “Hmm, now what am I going to do?” but everything found its way and worked out as needed. When mixing one of the songs, ‘Utopia’, I wasn’t happy with the sound of my voice. I asked for about six different mixes until we found the right sound. It was great to be working alongside my brother and Zye, the mixing engineer. When things like this happen, you need to have people who really support and trust your vision – they did. The most pressing challenge was having everything ready for the next week to master all the songs for the vinyl.

OSR: What was the most exciting thing about creating the album?

ALETHIA: Wow, I love this question! For me, it’s like painting an artwork with my eyes closed. The songs are the colors, the music arrangements and instruments are the techniques, and how you allow that brush to go through the canvas is the process. But until it’s all finished and you uncover your eyes, you can’t see it all come together as one piece of art. My father is a painter and sculptor, and seeing his process resonates a lot with how I approach and see my music.

OSR: What do you hope people take from this album, and what do you take from it?

ALETHIA: I hope people resonate with the messages, especially the idea that there is a reason for them to be in this world – that they are special and unique. If we keep going, trust, and face our traumas, we will find happiness. I believe we are pieces of God and can heal. We can create, and do anything we set our minds to; that’s our essence.

OSR: You have been living in Australia for a few years but are Colombian-born. What influence do the cultures have on your sound?

ALETHIA: I carry my Latin roots in my voice and the way I sing. I love to mix my lyrics between Spanish and English, so I can connect with my Latin audience as well as my English-speaking audience. This allows me to bridge both cultures and create a more inclusive musical experience. Most of all, I believe I carry the passion and hunger for more – the mentality of giving it all to be a better person and experience a better life. In Colombia, many things aren’t as I would love them to be, there’s a lot of injustice and poverty. But my people and I are fighters, dreamers, and survivors of a broken society that has been abused many times. Despite this, we always shine for our strength and never give up, bringing the best of our music and art to the world.

Living in Australia, I have discovered another part of myself. Here, people are very open-minded, accepting all types of views, and are very interested in learning about other cultures. This has made me like a sponge, absorbing and getting inspired by all the different music and art around this country. This blend of influences has enriched my sound, adding new layers and dimensions to my music.

OSR: What does music mean to you?

ALETHIA: Music is happiness, healing, a magical vibration, and our universal language.

OSR: Do you believe ALETHIA is a good representation of your sound at the moment?

ALETHIA: Yes, definitely. More than ever, I am allowing my artistry to be the most honest it has ever been, trusting my intuition and letting myself transform into my highest potential. The word ALETHIA means butterfly, and I love to think we are all butterflies that need to experience a metamorphosis, a big change that is a bit painful but necessary to be able to fly, to experience the beauty of life.  

OSR: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received, and did you listen to it?

ALETHIA: “Do in life what moves you inside. It will be hard anyway, but harder to live regretting not trying enough.” I definitely listened to it and I am so grateful. There were moments when I almost gave up, but this advice kept me going.

OSR: What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

ALETHIA: Haha, not sure if I should tell this, but one time, with a group of friends, we snuck into a festival. I really wanted to go, but there were no tickets available. Some friends who were going told me they knew a way in, and we did. We stayed there for three days and I ended up performing at the festival. It was crazy, and I will never do such a thing again!

OSR: What can we expect from you in the future?

ALETHIA: Lots and lots of music and albums; multiple new collaborations; shows at festivals and tours around Australia, the US, Latin America, and all over the world; more positive messages in my songs; a couple of movies and musicals I will be part of; a podcast and a book!

OSR: Do you have a message for our readers?

ALETHIA: Be yourself and embrace all your uniqueness. Don’t be afraid. Love will always be the way – act from love and you will never regret a thing!

Many thanks to ALETHIA for speaking with us! Find out more about ALETHIA on her Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

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