
A Chat with Alchemize (12.07.24)

Finding that unique blend of RnB, alternative rock and metal, UK-based group Alchemize is most fascinating, soul-stirring, “that was awesome” tempest rushing across the plains. Establishing themselves as pioneers in the Manchester metal scene, Connor, Brandon, Adam and George push boundaries with their unconventional style. We speak with Alchemize about their single ‘Weight In Gold’, music videos, superpowers and more.

OSR: Cliché but how did Alchemize come about? What drew you all to music and each other?

Alchemize: Where do we begin? So Alchemize came about in the spring/summer time of last year (2023). Two of our members (Brandon and Adam) were part of a previous band and left to start something new and fresh. Brandon and Adam met George who used to work at a music store and would always talk about music and gear, then one day they found out he was a drummer which was perfect timing for when the band was just forming and needing to recruit a drummer and singer.

Then we met Connor, who was looking to rejoin the music scene, after spending a good few years away. From there we immediately started getting to know each other as well as rehearsing together

OSR: What inspires you to make music?

Alchemize: I think it’s safe to say on behalf of all of us, that making music comes naturally, we all come from different musical backgrounds and when we all get together, all of our influences, passions and life experiences kinda come out! Inspiration really comes from anything, but you’ll probably recognise a common theme amongst our releases surrounding personal issues everyone will face at some stage in their lives.

OSR: You released a music video for ‘Weight In Gold’. What can you tell us about the experience of creating the video?

Alchemize: The day of the shoot was a long one, but incredibly fun for all of us! We had previously scouted out the area for the shoot a couple of weeks prior with some incredible help from family and friends. Getting a whole drum kit up there was the real task of the day, we only had a quad bike, a trailer and hope. When you see the video you’ll see how incredibly far out we were from anything. Once we had all the gear up where we wanted them, we spent about 3 to 4 hours doing the full band shots, close-ups and drone shots. Fortunately, the weather was good to us and added to the whole aesthetic of the song along with a great sunset to top it off! We really enjoyed every minute of filming this video and we are so thankful for the family and friends who helped us out during the day, it really was a huge team effort!

OSR: Why did you decide to create a music video for this single instead of just releasing the single without a video?

Alchemize: Before we got picked up by Year of the Rat Records, we had a bit of a plan to release 3 singles with a video. We wanted these 3 singles to be heard/seen, on an emotional level as they mean a lot to us.

OSR: Alright, so talking about ‘Weight of Gold’. What can you tell us about the song? Is there a theme or backstory?

Alchemize: The theme of ‘Weight In Gold’ explores reclusive behaviour due to past trauma and it lying heavy on the individual’s soul. Feeling scared to voice your thoughts due to people never seeming to understand you and making you feel a fool for speaking up, you have the awful mindset that people will always go against you.  Next, you’re feeling so desensitised to it all that this mindset becomes a daily routine and normality. The song’s chorus shows you reflecting on the bad times yet learning the valuable lessons from them worth their weight in gold and how you won’t let these experiences happen again. That there has to be light at the end of the tunnel and not just those dark times.

The second verse reassures your family that they aren’t to blame when they felt helpless and they couldn’t understand at the time you were struggling with those difficult times yet feel burdened by this. Yet even as years pass by you’re still occasionally struggling with depression and wearing a mask but never letting the trauma change the good in yourself. The last half of the song shows glimmers of hope with the realisation you’re enough, moving forward and leaving the past behind with a more positive mindset to future endeavours 

OSR: What do you hope people take from ‘Weight of Gold’?

Alchemize: We hope that people who have gone through something similar can find comfort in this and to help them realise that we are all entitled to have a voice and no one has the right to silence us, that we learn from our lessons and it’s okay that it could take a long time to do so and to know that things will change for the better even after a traumatic event(s). We as a band want people to walk away feeling empowered that they’re not alone in feeling this way and can raise awareness for people living in isolation and despair that it doesn’t have to always be this way.

OSR: What do you think makes Alchemize unique?

Alchemize: Oooo, I’d honestly probably say our vision to incorporate the level of RnB/pop elements align. I’m not saying we’re the only band trying to achieve this sound, but I do feel that we all get the sound we’re trying to create and the vision of how we want our sound to be made and heard.

OSR: If you had to have one superpower, what would it be and why?

Connor: I’ve got two! So, speaking as a superhero fan from a young age, I was obsessed with Spiderman, so the inner child in me would be screaming to gain his powers. But then there’s metal manipulation, like Magneto vibes.

Brandon: I’d love to be able to fly.

Adam: If I had to choose a superpower it would have to be teleportation without a shadow of a doubt! No more paying for transportation, parking, road tax and vehicular insurance. Anywhere in the world instantly and no limitations and get there in no time wasted (especially for gigging).

George: The ability to rewind the clock and get a few hours extra sleep. Haha!

OSR: What is your greatest achievement, and it doesn’t have to be music-related?

Connor: I’m probably going to say graduating from university and having my dad there to see me is a memory I’ll hold on to for the rest of my life.

Brandon: I think for me just being able to achieve the skills I have as a musician, producer and engineer, I’m always still pushing to improve and be the best possible version of myself musically.

Adam: The greatest achievement I’ve probably ever made was learning to play the guitar, bass and get adept at singing. All of which I never thought I’d be able to do below the age of 14 as I believed I had no talents at all.

George: Grade 8 drums.

OSR: What can we expect from Alchemize in the future?

Alchemize: You can expect to see a lot more of us over the next year. We’ve only just started and we have no plans for slowing down. We’ll be releasing song, after song, after song and we will really be showing off how different our music can be, whilst still keeping to our signature sound. We are excited for the future and can’t wait to see how people react to new songs, live shows and new music videos. This isn’t the last you’ll hear of us!

Many thanks to Connor, George, Adam and Brandon for speaking with us. Find out more about Alchemize on their Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

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